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Gpa answer free bar
function v=v(x) E = 70; I= 1.7*1e-6; q= 2.7; L= 6.25; if x>=0 if x<=L v = ((g*x)/(24*E*I))*((L^3)-2*L*...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Sum question in Matlab
Hii buddy, There is something you want to know in matlab.. if u sum two vectors, it eventually results in to vector of individ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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how to write a code to get these figures ??
this code will help you out, but i am not sure about the graph of fourth figure but x/y yields to tan graph that is what i am ge...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Error while using a function.I need parentheses in the function header but it wont allow me to do it.
the is no need of kk, just modify the function as given below and try your luck function [Av_k2] = EE_TF(fs,G1;G2,G3,C1,C2); %...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

How would I integrate different values into 4 tables?
I modified the code for you and i posted the ans also, i hope this is what u wanted..... clc clear close format long k1=[0,...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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i dont know how to write this code in one command can someone help me
N=[];%empty matrix geneation N=zeros(3,4)% Question 2 O=ones(3,4)% Qusetion 3 L=[3 1 7; 2 4 -2;2 -1 0]; X=L+L;% Qusetion 4 ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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How to initialize non linear constraints in gamultiobj with integer only variables and array based constraints?
Here, I am attaching u how to write the nonlinear constraints for ga multiobj, and more importing u have given ur nonlinear func...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

plot pressure as vectors on a curve
here, I am attaching two files and the graph of the output for the excel data given by u. The first is regarding the function fi...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

How to multiply 4 columns together in a 40x7 table
Hope this will help u out..... in variable a u keep ur input matrix and in while size(a,2)<7: instead of 7 u keep ur no of requ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

How to create animation of wave pattern h(x,y,t) = Acos(2*pi*t/T-2*pi*x/L) with T=4s , L=12m, -300<=x<=300, -300<=y<=300 , 0<=t<=20
clc clear all A=1; T=4; L=12; syms t t=0:(((300-(-300))/10)^-1)*20:20; x=-300:10:300; H=A*cos(2*pi*t/(T)-2*pi*x/(L)); ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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Equality contrains ignored by fmincon
I hope u can use this code, i too have the same problem while solving the problem with 130 variables and nearly 200 constraints,...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0