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How can I plot wavelet spectrum
Hi, are you using continous or discrete wavelet? Did you try to look at exmples from Wavelet Toolbox?
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
how could I loop value of n because dimension is mismatch?
Hi, I dont understand what you are doing... why to load fs when your ind is then fixed that ind=[1:length(he)], and why do you u...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
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how to store rgb value of multiple images in matlab?
Hi, you can put each of your images (array [sizex,sizey,3]) in a cell. It is created with {}. So if you have some loop where you...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Is Matlab compatible with the Kinect for Windows v2?
Hi, there is possibility how to do it, however there is no official support for Kinect v2 from MatLab yet. I am in process of de...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
How to print arrays in a table?
Hi, without some code example i can just sugest that you can add your vector at the end of some array, and then print the array....
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Importing date and time from an excel file to matlab
Hi, you can use datestr() function >> datestr(0.250775462962963) ans = 6:01 AM
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
How can I take multiple Images with Kinect RGB and Infrared Camera
Hi, I did try what was possible to do with your code, and i dont have any problems getting snapshots fo depth and then color rep...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
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Some questions about Kinect data aqcuisition using Matlab R2013a
Hi, you don't have to callibrate Kinect to get depth and RGB matched. All is shifted because both sensors are some distance from...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
how i can connect xbox360 kinect to matlab?
Hi, first check this < question>. Try what you can and updat...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1
Creating matrix of unique combinations of variables
Hi, it would be nice to have some code to work with included. But this is actually thing you would easily solve with MatLab hel...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Matrix printing with unique values
If you post some code I can elaborate and work with it, but like this I can only sugest to create vector from 1 to 12, permute i...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
how can i connect kinect xbox360 to matlab?
Hi, you can use it right away with support package ( < info here> ...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1
Read Image sequences in order
Hi, there is no need to use while (however your code should work), for is more appropriate in this case. for m=1:length(I...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
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How to plot a 3-d graph for T(x,y,t)
If your T is one value, you can creat for every t (time) a matrix (x,y) and then just make some GUI to select and show specific ...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Plotting a simple shape in Matlab
Hi, if you don't know the bounds for x and y you don't have enough info to plot some shape, easiest would be to prepare setings ...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
how wo detect the face in real time steaming like webcame please some one give me the code
Hi, i suggest that you go through the examples of Computer Vision Toolbox, especialy <
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Implementing FILTFILT using FILTER
Hi, my first idea is that the signal is not padded with zeroes, but mirrored (as is used in 2D convolution). Because as i unders...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Plotting a .dat file
Hi, if it is really binary fromat, you need at first know with what precission were the data saved (double, uint8, etc...) and i...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Function & Plot?
From what i did understand, if c=15 initialy, you have to change it every time. so the newc=c-(k*c*t) and also t will change ev...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
how to update R2010a, there are so may new methods are available in matlab 2015 version??
If you dont have licence you can always get a Trial version. Check <
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Interpolate different sets of data using the same interval
Hi, as you said you can use interp1 function. You will have the raw mesh like this: x = 0:1:10; %step by 1 v = sin(x); ...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Requirements to use functions from my own jar file
Hi, I am trying to use my java functions in Matlab. I know how to add jar file to Matlab path. I know that I am supoused to put ...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0 Antworten | 0
AntwortenIs this possible?!?!
Hi, if you ar not familiar yet with Computer Vision Toolbox i suggest to look at <
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1
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symbolic substitution symbol by symbol
You should not define the u=2*x; v=2*y; because then you get right anwer from subs. It wil simplify the answer and it will be tr...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1
In regard to contour error
Your size of v is 50x50, and you want to get element 51 (v2=v(i+1,j) and i=50). If you want to use code as that you have to cha...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Plotting data on a 2d plane with colorbar
Hey, in pcolor the X and Y means predefined grid (like from <
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Matlab Support for Kinect Xbox One Sensor
Hi, Kinect V2 is not supported by MatLab. There is way how to connect it just like camera or web-cam. But i gues that is no...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1
Dear sir, I have 25 text files of detail about wave parameters. How could i write the command to extract data from my selection file?
Do as sugested by < previous answer>, import, fscanf, textre...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1
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Microsoft Kinect V2 with Matlab
Hey, V2 still not supported by MatLab, and i am starting to fear that they will not do this. However i found way to connect K...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0