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Plotting a closed volume by connecting my points together
*I have coordinates of some points and by connecting them in 3D, I want matlab gives me a closed volume, not just connecting the...

fast 7 Jahre vor | 2 Antworten | 0




Subtracting the two resulting graghs of my ode program
I have two second order differential equations. I solved them with Ode45, but I want to subtract the two resulting answers from ...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0



i need adaptive simulated annealing
These links may help you <> ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

Calculating the maintenance costs over (x) amount of years
sum is a built-in matlab function, you should name your function or matric something else like *cost* cost = accumYears(x) ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

Generalized eigenvectors not orthogonal
They are orthogonal, what is the problem? clear all close all clc; A=randn(10); B=randn(10); AA=A+A'; BB=...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

Solving set of 2 equations doesn't give a numerical solution
clc clear all close all syms x y eq1 = 2*x+3-7*y; eq2 = 2*y*7-123-2*x; S= solve(eq1,eq2,x,y); S=[S.x S.y]...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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what is non-dominated sorting
Maybe these links can help you: <> <http://www.mathwork...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

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Explicit solution could not be found
<< <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/21389/3d.jpg>> >> <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/21390/2d.jpg>> ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

Triple integral found sym ?
fist of all your function hasn't written correct syntactically, then you can use this code: syms s gamma1 gamma2 y=f(s,g...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

Help with for loop
you have common mistakes,here your correct code: clear all close all clc; f1 = 100; % The lower frequency in c...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

How to solve 7 unknowns with 7 equations with ln
clear all close all clc; syms nMj nMk pHj pMj pHk pMk Am eq1=50-nMj-nMk; eq2=500-pHj-pMj; eq3=20-pHk...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

Simple subtraction from column/row - HELP
clear all close all clc; A=[50;50;50]; a=5; for i=1:a-1 A(1,i+1)=A(1,i)-a;A(2,i+1)=0;A(3,i+1)=A(1,i)-a; ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

Error with matrix dimensions
you have two mistake: prevHist = zeros(256*3,1) and diffHist(i) = sqrt(sum((currHist - prevHist).^2)) your correct...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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Error with matrix dimensions
you have two mistake: prevHist = zeros(256*3,1) and diffHist(i) = sqrt(sum((currHist - prevHist).^2)) your correct...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

I have an Anonymous Function and want to integrate it
clear all close all clc; syms x A=[x 2*x;3*x 4*x]; int(A(1,1),0,1)

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

hi, I am Arfaoui Jouda ,a phd in electronic,i need help on genetic programming (genetic algorithm ) ,can you help me please?
May be you can find your answer in this link: <

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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How to combine 2 functions in one graph with different line
clear all close all clc; t=0:0.1:5; x1=6*sin((5.6309*10^9)*t); x2=sin((5.6309*10^9)*t); plot(t,x1,'b',t,x2,'...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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How to compute factorial if input is vector or matrix?
format long g A=[1 2 3 50;4 5 6 2;9 8 7 11]; for i=1:size(A,1) for j=1:size(A,2) A(i,j)=factorial(A(i,...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

how to exchange matrix rows depending on distance
clear all close all clc; A=[11 22 33 44;0 14 15 16]' B=[66 77 88 99;0 16 19 14]' for i=1:4 if A(i,2)<B(i...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

sqrt and norm doesn't return exact value
syms x y f=@(x,y)((x-1)^2+10*(y-x^2)^2); vpa(f(-1,2)) fx=gradient(f,x); fx=subs(fx,x,-1); fx=subs(fx,y,2); ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

Help me about creating table in matlab ?
format short g x = [1;2;3;4;5]; y = [12;11;24;18;20]; z = [1.2;2.4;3.4;5.0;4.1]; A=[x y z]; disp(' ord...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

Could someone please provide me a demo code for cognitive radio network?
clc; close all; clear all; %This program is for optimization of spectrum sensing in %Cognitive radio network. ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

Grading the students performance.
%w=wrong %c=correct %o=unanswered syms w c o s=0; for i=1:5 g(i)=input('answer= '); if g(i)==w ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

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Programmatically change external mode data archiving directory
writing your desired directory with cd code in the command window, for exmaple my directory is C:\peace\one , you should write c...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

how to run an already written code?
open your matlab program then click on open file icon on the top of program, it open new window for you then choose yor m-file f...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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How to convert an equation from z-plane to w-plane in MATLAB
syms z w G=(2*(z.^3)-4.424*(z.^2)+3.3634*z-0.8721)/((z.^4)-3.037*(z.^3)+3.425*(z.^2)-1.6935237*z+0.3084332); GN=subs(G,z...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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Transfer function with time delay, transcendental transfer function
clear all close all clc; k1=1;k2=1;w=.5;z=2; s=tf('s'); H = (-(((s^2)+(k1+k2)*s)/(w*(s+k2)))*z); bode(H) ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

Hi, I am new to matlab and i want to generate a voltage sag signal using m-file using the following equation
t=0:0.0001:2; f=2; A=1.0; W=2*pi*f; x=A*sin(W.*t); u=inline('t>=0'); a=0.6; t1=12; t2=24; x1= (1-a*(u(t-t...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

how to create on an efficient way zeros in a symbolic matrix?
syms x n=4; A=sym(zeros(n,2)); A(:,1) = zeros(n,1); A([1:n-1],2) = 0; A(n,2) = x; A

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 2

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use any/all test with while loop in range 0:1:10
try this clear all clc; grades = input('Please enter the vector of your grades:') A =[0:1:10]; while grades > A...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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