
Benjamin Schwabe

Last seen: etwa 2 Jahre vor Aktiv seit 2012

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Professional Interests: Automation


  • Thankful Level 1
  • Knowledgeable Level 2
  • First Answer

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How to solve a system of three ODE
Hi James, start writing it in a vectorform with x=(S,E,I); Then you have x(0)=x0 as defined and you can write dx/dt=f(x); cre...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

help! array, data and textdata
You might try a structure or a cell array. I would try the cell array in your case. Benjamin

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

Needs Checkbox to draw a plot
Hi Aleksandra, I am not sure where you are stuck, so I try to be a little more detailed than John. Use GUIDE to design you...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

Thermal Modelling
Hi, the thermal conductivity equation is a partial differential equation which you might transfer into a (stiff) system of OD...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

Solving Nonlinear Equations - 3 equations 3 unknowns
You might be able to use a newton iteration for this problem. The MATLAB command is fmincon (you require the optimization toolb...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

tilt angle of cylinder using euler angles
You will have to use the Euler Angles. Rotating a cordinate system is exactly what they are doing.

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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matlab GUI for control serial output
Hi, please have a look at the GUIDE command. It will allow you to set up any GUI. The only thing you have to do afterwards is...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

about creating array
Could you please be more specific? Is it a numeric array or a cell array? You can add easily an additional row or column like t...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

iterating A Function
I'm not sure if that's really what you want to have: Define a matrix A=[2,3,4;5,6,7;8,9,10]; R=((A(:,1)-A(:,2))....

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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How to solve matrix as a function
What does m^2 mean? It's a vecor, isn't it? Componentwise operation? Or is it a real vecor-vectormultiplication resulting in a s...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

varargin is used when the number of input parameter might change. Basically, it puts all input arguments into a cell array. The...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 4

dynamic variables
Hi AYAH, why do you want to do this, you really might want to use a vector with X(1),X(2),...,X(10), they are dynamic in MatL...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1

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Data interpolation. Observation and experimental data are reported on different timescales and need to be aligned.
Depending on the data, try interp1 or interp2, etc.

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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How to store data in matrix
I dont' really get what you are trying there, but I'll try to give you an idea, what you could experiment with... First thin...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

Number to matrix
You can do that by simply using the following code: p = 12345; % define your number pstr=num2str(p); n=leng...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

Do you think that MATLAB is expensive?
The two levers for price are: Demand and Offers. I guess we all agree on a demand for professional computing/programming solutio...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1


Shared Library (dll) called by another Shared Library (dll)
Hi all, I'm dealing with a two-level-driver of some hardware which I'd like to control from MatLab. There are two dll files i...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0



pdist2 function
Okay, my MATLAB does not know a pdist2 function, only pdist. (I am using MatLabd r2009b) Could it be that simple? Otherwis...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0


Dynamic Library without a .h file
Hello all, I'm trying to establish communication with a hardware tool and it's API is given by a two-level approach. For t...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0



connected first and last points
Hello Adam, I am not entirely sure that I understand your problem. You want to have line between the last and the first poi...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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.mexglx in windows XP
Do you have the sourcecode that was used for the generation of the mexglx? If not, I have no clue and I assume that there is n...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 2

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Evaluating 3D Function
Hi, another easy way to do that, is using the meshgrid command. x = linspace(1,5,100); y=linspace(1,5,10); [X,Y] = meshg...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

Solving system of linear equations in S domain?
Could you give the "systematic" of the equation? I basically assume, you have a system of differential-alegabric-equation. A loo...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

Warning loadline: Data type ULONG,UCHAR,... unknown which are used in h-file
I found that these are the declarations used in C++, but the correct syntax in C is unsigned long, etc. That resolved the war...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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Warning loadline: Data type ULONG,UCHAR,... unknown which are used in h-file
Hello everyone, I'm trying to load a shared library, called Gen3.dll, into MATLAB. The corresponding header file is gives som...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0

