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Using LaTeX packages in MATLAB Plots
Hi @Luke If you want only a few characters, you can use the Unicode decimal code for them. For example, the Unicode decimal cod...

ein Tag vor | 0

How to modify the icon in the upper left corner of the app designer
Hi @Xiang Li, You can change the icon on the top left of the uifigure by following the steps mentioned below: Select the "app....

2 Tage vor | 0

how to plot x y over time
Hi @Korrawit Since you have the "eyetrackRecord" data variable, you can ustilise the hist3 function to get the heatmap. numBin...

2 Tage vor | 0

How to break FOR loop in simulink
Hi Minhkiyo, There are multiple solutions possible to resolve this issue: 1. While Iterator block Instead of using a "For Ite...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

Is anyone working on e-powertrain MBD?
Hi Mohan, MATLAB and Simulink are excellent tools for model-based design (MBD) and are widely used in the industry. However, th...

etwa ein Monat vor | 1

Comments in code for orientation not clear
Hi Yasser, Based on the comments in your MATLAB code, it seems like the author has provided a framework for parameter extractio...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

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Employing RegularizeData3D function
Hello Richard, I couldn't find detailed documentation for the "RegularizeData3D" function you mentioned. The Add-On page does n...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

Can't connect to NI DAQ USB6003 on Windows 11/Matlab 2024a
Hello Holden, The error you are facing indicates that the installed version of National Instruments NI-DAQmx driver is not supp...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

Programmatically open ModelExplorer with a data dictionary entry selected?
Hi John, There are multiple ways to open a data dictionary in model explorer programatically and show its content. However, ple...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

How to do film dosimetry?
Hi Omid, To work with separate RGB channels in film dosimerty, the "imread" function is commonly used to read images, and "im2d...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

How to display histogram
Hello Azam, I tried executing the given code with the provided CSV file. I am able to get the histogram as shown below: Ther...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

writing a script to find roots using Newton-Raphson Method in Matlab, how ?
Hi Zee, There could be various methods to achieve this, I have attached one approach below for your reference. Please verify th...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

How to integrate MATLAB .m file in Python script to run it in OPAL-RT Platform?
Hi Prithwi, As I can understand, you have one simulink model, which will be simulated multiple times with varying parameters an...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

how to export images to pdf
Hi Lukas, As I can understand, you want a pdf with each page as a given image in the folder. Instead of using the "hgexport" fu...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

How to open a .mldatx-file?
Hi, An MLDATX file is used to save and load Simulation Data Inspector Sessions in MATLAB. Please refer to the following section...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

What is the cause of the error message "FIMATH mismatch:Property 'ProductWordLength'" here?
Hi Torsten, The error you're encountering suggests a mismatch in the "ProductWordLength" property when performing the computati...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

Block of simulink question
Hi Marie, The block shown in the image represents a transfer function. There are multiple blocks in Simulink that can serve thi...

etwa 2 Monate vor | 0

Failed to load module 'canberra-gtk-module'
Hi Joe, The message you are encountering is informational and has no effect on MATLAB. This issue is a known bug and has been a...

etwa 2 Monate vor | 0

Unresponsive Curve Fitter app in Ubuntu
Hi Javier, The issue you are facing is related to GNOME desktop environments. MathWorks has acknowledged this in the following ...

etwa 2 Monate vor | 0

I'm getting this error. Why and how to solve?
Hello Haszuraidah, The error you are encountering is related to timestamp issues during the code generation and build process. ...

etwa 2 Monate vor | 0

Set up the DFT algorithm
Hi David! I am unable to understand the meaning of "continuous mathematical model of DFT". The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)...

4 Monate vor | 0

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How to convert state space equations to lorenz form?
Hi Prathvi, Assuming you have a set of data or a model you want to fit into this form, the process involves defining the Lorenz...

5 Monate vor | 0

State Flow C Action Language Bitwise Operators
Hi Tyler, The incorrect results in 32 bit are obtained due to saturation on integer overflow. Upon executing the model, you sho...

5 Monate vor | 2

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how to resolve that error?
Hello, The error that you are encountering is due to the unresolved symbols in the Stateflow chart of the model. To resolve th...

5 Monate vor | 0

How to use Unicode numeric values in regexprep?
Hi Vlad, '\x{C4}' represents the Unicode character Ä (Latin Capital Letter A with Diaeresis) in hexadecimal notation. If you w...

6 Monate vor | 0

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How to get x value for a given y value in a interp1 figure?
Hi Wuwei, You can use the "interp1" function to find the values from the interpolation. Given below is an example: x_ref = [-...

6 Monate vor | 0

Why is the rotor angle and speed multiplied by a gain of 4 in PMSM control?
Hi, If you observe closely, the rotor speed was "wm" and after multiplication by 4, the speed is labelled as "we". Refer the fi...

6 Monate vor | 2

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How to write text line to line ?
Hi Arif, Instead of using "spacing", you should use the "newline" character ('\n'). Once you use this, your data will be arrang...

6 Monate vor | 0

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why iam getting negative settling time for load frequency of two area system by using pid controller
Hi Deekshith! Based on the output response graph you've shared, it appears that the waveforms exhibit a positive settling time....

6 Monate vor | 0

DIY 3D Scanner with Mtalab data convert
Hi Simon, As I can understand, you want to create a closed body from your 3D scan data that includes a bottom and a lid, and is...

7 Monate vor | 0

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