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How to combine and save two XDF files
Hi M, I understand that you are trying to combine and save two different EEG data XDF files, without losing any information...

3 Tage vor | 0

neighbors(TR) returns NaN values
Hi Lorenzo, I understand that you are trying to obtain neighboring triangles of a triangulation object sharing an edge with...

4 Tage vor | 1

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Unable to Estimate Mass in Kalman Filter Implementation for VTOL System in Simulink
Hi simay, I understand that you are trying to model a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) system in Simulink, to estimate ...

4 Tage vor | 0

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Unable to run local function "myparse"
Hi Wai Cheng, I understand that you are trying to execute a local function in MATLAB R2023b but getting an error stating “mp...

5 Tage vor | 1

I am getting an error while running my simulink model.
Hi @Anant, I understand that you are trying to simulate a Simscape model in MATLAB R2024a, where you are getting an error s...

5 Tage vor | 0

how can I obtain shapley values from convolutional neural network
Hi @Alok, I understand that you are trying to get shapely values from a convolutional neural network. A few adjustments you...

8 Tage vor | 0

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How can I model black body radiation in Simulink?
Hi David, Assuming that you are trying to model radiative heat transfer in your cryogenics system simulation in Simulink (S...

9 Tage vor | 0

How can I save status of simulink model (timer, counter, state runing, . . ) and export to use after changing model
Hi galaxy, Assuming that you are trying to extract and save model config parameters of a Simulink model containing many subsy...

10 Tage vor | 0

How to get the exact step size used by ode45?
Hi @伟, I understand that you’re trying to solve a GLNSE PDE and making a variable transformation involving the current step...

10 Tage vor | 0

Error: Time object cannot be empty
Hi @Yuting Cong, I understand that you’re trying to generate code from a Simulink model, but instead getting an error statin...

11 Tage vor | 1

Calculation of Deflection of Gradient Pile Using Deflection Equation
Hi Praful, I believe you are using a MATLAB function to calculate Deflection of Gradient Pile Using Deflection Equation. He...

12 Tage vor | 0

Need help on Phase Diagram
Hi @Atikur, Assuming you are trying to plot a phase diagram of the given single variable ‘x’ as a discrete function, along ...

12 Tage vor | 1

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Why "ObserverParams" property is empty eventhough the 'Function name' and 'Function paramater' are filled?
Hi Praful, I understand that you’re trying to find the “Data Access” Instrumentation Property of a Signal Marked for Loggin...

12 Tage vor | 0

`uigetfile` Not Working in MATLAB Online App, but Works Fine in Desktop Version
Hi Praful, In case you are trying to implement a MATLAB application which consists of selecting local files using “uigetfil...

12 Tage vor | 0

How to create a 3 - by - 3 vector for a PI Section Line
Hi Eddie, Assuming that you are trying to use a pi-section line block in your Simulink Model, while passing a (1, 2) vector...

12 Tage vor | 1

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plotting two types of data on one graph
Hi @Kitt, I understand that you're trying to create a grouped bar graph using timestep data with custom color shading of each...

17 Tage vor | 1

How to fill-in a smaller table into a larger (empty) table with a sorted variable?
Hi @Muha, I believe you are trying to take extracted tables (T1, T2) and transfer their values into a reference table (ref_tab...

18 Tage vor | 0

How to merge two tables into a single table?
Hi @Sara Woods, I’m assuming that you’re trying to vertically concatenate two tables in MATLAB, into a new table, which cont...

19 Tage vor | 1

Scatter plot with timescale colormap
Hi @Adi Purwandana, In order to import an excel spreadsheet and create a scatter plot of timeseries data, involving two varia...

22 Tage vor | 0

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Lineanchor not working in regexp
Hi Omkar, Assuming you're trying to find ending characters of each line, inside a text document, using the "regexp" function...

24 Tage vor | 0

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d solve command matlab
Hi Kees, I believe you are trying to solve differential equations for a particular solution, involving symbolic variables a...

29 Tage vor | 0

Lookup table optmizer do not take the break point choise explicit
Hi Prasanna, As per the problem description, it seems like you have a 2D mapped data as 1-D Lookup Table in Simulink, which n...

29 Tage vor | 0

I am using the system identification tool box to create a greybox model. My error is The sizes of the matrices returned by the ODE function must be consistent with the input/o
Hi @Yilin, From what I understand, you are trying to create a linear ODE grey-box model using the state space matrices return...

29 Tage vor | 0

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How do I reduce categorical array containing alternate spellings and formats?
Hi, I believe that you’re trying to cluster a categorical array, based on the “EditDist” function metric as distance betwee...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

Mapping 1D vector to 2D area
Hi @Prasanna Routray, I believe that you're trying to want to obtain a reverse mapping, from xPoints data to yPoints data, usin...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

create a legend that different marks in one line
Hi, In case you’re trying to merge two labels in a given row of a legend object, while drawing multiple plots, you can try u...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

How to split a kinematic track into a for loop?
Hi, I believe that you’re trying to use a loop to interactively define the start and stop points of each trial based on the...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

Input arguments must be convertible to floating-point numbers
Hi, I understand that you’re trying to evaluate and solve symbolic expressions involving some variables, while applying “ma...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

in the "label" object draw a rectangle around it
Hi, Based on the description, I understand that you are trying to create a rectangular solid border around a label object, w...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

How to initialize the Hammerstein model linear block and avoiding that the nlhw function transform the linear block to polynomial form ?
Hi, While using the “idnlhw” function to construct a Hammerstein-Weiner model object, a state-space linear model is probably ...

etwa 2 Monate vor | 0

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