
Peng Liu

Last seen: mehr als 2 Jahre vor Aktiv seit 2013

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  • Cody 5th Anniversary Author
  • Triathlon Participant
  • 3 Month Streak
  • Thankful Level 1
  • Likeable
  • Project Euler I
  • 5-Star Galaxy Level 1
  • First Review
  • First Submission
  • Cody5 Easy Master
  • Famous
  • Indexing II Master

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Make an anonymous function that has variable output
Make a anonymous function that has variable output. f = @(x)... the following equation→equation(s) as followed has(ve) ...

fast 6 Jahre vor


Draw 'O' !
Given n as input, generate a n-by-n matrix 'O' using 0 and 1 . example: n=4 ans= [1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 ...

fast 6 Jahre vor


Find argmax of a function
You are given vectors x and y (=f(x)). Return the element of x for which f(x) is maximized.

etwa 6 Jahre vor


Basic Monte Carlo Simulation
Input is a matrix including service time and probability of service time. Another input is a random number. Function should tran...

etwa 6 Jahre vor


Find the missing numbers.
Total *N* numbers are in the series of natural numbers ( *1,2,3,...,N* ). The input is an array (unsorted) of those natural num...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor


Funny problems
Generate the following vector: if n=1 then q=1; elseif n=2 then q=[2 2 1]; elseif n=3 then q=[3 3 3 2 2 1]; ... end

mehr als 6 Jahre vor


How many days in a month?
Return the number of days in a given month in 2017. If the input is not a valid month number, return -1. Examples: Input...

fast 7 Jahre vor


remove every row&col for every nan
for a given matrix, remove the row and column of every nan. Example x=[1 2 NaN 4 5 6 7 8 ...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Find the largest number
Given a vector v with 4 elements, find the largest number x. Example: Input: v = [4 7 1 6]; Output: x = 7; You mu...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Writing Error Messages
Well written functions check inputs to make sure the input is valid. The function ErrorCheck takes three arguments: * a - a s...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Sum of adjacent elements in a vector
Given a vector v, return a vector s containting the sum of every two adjacent elements in the vector. Every element s(i) cont...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Remove the first, third and fifth rows of a matrix
Given a matrix x with at least five rows, return a matrix y that includes all rows of x except for th 1st, the 3rd and 5th. E...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Decoder Ring
You are given a matrix of numbers, your objective is to use the decoder ring to find the hidden message. ex. encoded_messa...

fast 7 Jahre vor


行列 a が与えられたとき、行列 a の中で一番ゼロの要素が少ない行のインデクス r を返す関数を作成しましょう。このとき、行列 a には一つだけしかこの条件に当てはまる行がないと仮定します。 例: 入力として、行列 a = [ 1 ...

fast 7 Jahre vor


行列が与えられたときに、その行列内の素数の平均を計算する関数を作成しましょう。 例: 入力の行列が in = [ 8 3            5 9 ] のとき、 出力が 4 あるいは (3+5)/2 のようになり...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Horizontal matrix sort
Given a matrix x with n rows and m columns, return a matrix y with n rows and 2m columns, such that every row in x is sorted fro...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Vertical matrix sort
Given a matrix x with n rows and m columns, return a matrix y with 2n rows and m columns, such that every column in x is sorted ...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Goldbach's marginal conjecture - Write integer as sum of three primes
Goldbach's strong conjecture states that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes. For exampl...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Test your luck!
This problem is designed to test your luck, and therefore the contents of your function are irrelevant. In order to do so, the t...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Just take it easy for a second or two!
Your code needs to take 'exactly' one second or 'exactly' two seconds to run (depending on the input) — accurate to ±0.5 millise...

fast 7 Jahre vor


NaN (欠損値) が含まれている行を削除しよう
行列 A が与えられたとき、その行列の中に NaN (Not a number; 欠損値) の要素がある行を見つけ出し、その行を削除しましょう。 例: A = [ 1 5 8 -3 NaN 14 ...

fast 7 Jahre vor


二つの同じ長さのベクトルが与えられたときの加重平均を求めましょう。 例: 二つのベクトル [1 2 3] と [10 15 20] が与えられたとき、 それぞれの要素ごとの加重を考慮した上で平均を取ると、 解は 33.3333 となり...

fast 7 Jahre vor


ある数のベクトルが与えられた場合、そのベクトルの要素の一つが他の要素の二乗であれば true を返し、それ以外の場合は false を返すようなコードを書いてみましょう。 例: 入力が a = [2 3 4] のとき、 出力 b は t...

fast 7 Jahre vor


ベクトルの値が増加している場合 (ベクトルの各要素が前の要素よりも大きい場合) には true を、そうでない場合には false を返すようなコードを書いてみましょう。 例: 入力が x = [-3 0 7] のとき、 関数の...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Determine whether the input is odd, even, or neither.
Make a function that returns ‘odd’ if the input is odd, ‘even’ if the input if even or ‘error’ if the input is neither odd nor ...

fast 7 Jahre vor


How to calculate the length of a triangle's side given two angles and one side
You are given a triangle with angles alpha, beta and gamma and sides a opposite alpha, b opposite beta and c opposite gamma. ...

fast 7 Jahre vor


Find the last digit
FInd the last digit of a given number. Given number is the input and output should be the last digit of that number.

fast 7 Jahre vor


Determine whether the input is divisible by 3 as well as 5
If the input is divisible by 3 as well as 5 then the output should be 'true' otherwise 'false'

fast 7 Jahre vor


Sum of Two Numbers
Given two integer numbers x and y, calculate their sum and put it in z. Examples: Inputs x = 2, y = 4 Output z is 6 ...

fast 7 Jahre vor


For a rectangle, if x is the length and 2x is width. Then find out x from the area of the rectangle?
For a rectangle, if x is the length and 2x is the width. Then find out x from the area of the rectangle? if the area is equal...

fast 7 Jahre vor

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