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How can i draw the graph?
vectors x and y contain your data plot(x,y,'k.'); If you only have the ydata, just type plot(y,'k.'); This holds t...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Taking derivative an array which is a numerical value with respect to another array
if f is the vector representing f(x) and x contains the corresponding abscissae df = diff(f)./diff(x) note that this has ...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Count the number of sequential fractional *nines* of a decimal number
You could turn your numbers into strings, like e.g. in st = sprintf('%1.10f',A(1)) maybe strip the trailing "0." (if they...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
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rearranging matrices horizontally rather than vertically
This is because the index order in a matrix is along columns. I'm not sure your command does what you say. Anyway b= [4 1 ...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 2
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Returning all Eigen Vectors including non-unique ones
Not sure what you mean... eig does return all of the eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Do you mean that you need to know the dege...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
How to plot point x on a line
Not sure what you are asking, nor what your function is expected to do. I guess x1,x2,y1,y2 are scalars (otherwise you're lik...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
I'm having trouble suppressing duplicate numbers. Can someone please help me to fix this within my while loop?
M=zeros(1,5); for i = 1:5 done=0; while ~done V=input('Enter a number between and incl...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1
basic monte carlo question: area of circle
You are mixing things up. Your code is part vectorized, part scalar. You have a loop over N, but then at each iteration you g...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 3
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How to saving data to file in different path in matlab?
You are using "-append". That means that 'hafizah.dat' should already exist. Does it exist? According to matlab it does no...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
How to create a patch object without actually plotting it.
h=patch(X,Y,Z,'r','visible','off'); and then, when you need it set(h,'visible','on');
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1
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How can I use for loop for assigning variable names?
what's wrong with using matrices? Something like acc = data(:,2:6); pot = data(:,8:16); acc0 = detrend(acc); and s...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Why does my surface have a 'jagged' look when I do this?
Hi Of course, making the grid thicker reduces the jaggedness. As far as you are plotting planes, you can easily obtain n...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Creating random order of trials (numbers in a matrix) with restrictions
So you need a 5x50 matrix of numbers between 1 and 10, such that: - all the numbers in the first column are different - no n...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Simple Question: How to graph certain surfaces depending on the Z value?
You could set the points that do not meet your constraint to NaN; i = Z1<5; Z1(i)=NaN; i = Z2>5; Z2(i)=NaN; The r...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
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Summation of an infinate series
That can be done in 3 lines of code tops. However, giving you the solution for your assignment straight away does not seem fair...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
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Replace some values of a vector with another vector which has a different size
b=zeros(size(source)); b(find(source))=a; of course this works only if the number of nonzero elements in source are the sa...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1
How to implement sum of sines using matricies
You could try Y = a*sin(f'*t); where a and f are the row vectors for the amplitude and frequency of your sines, an...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Save plot is not the same as plot on screen
Hi, this happens to me too. I found that I need to specify everything explicitly (XTick, YTick, Xlim, Ylim for the axes, ...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
change x axis, i have a plot of data from a headset. then i have 5 lines from a game, so i want 0-time from start(green) line till the end(red line), is it possible?
Not sure what your asking for. Do you need to re-define the limits of your x-axis so that they go from the green to the red ...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
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randperm in while loop
If I get it right, you want a vector A that is "divided" into bunches of 3 consecutive elements. Each of these "bunches" should...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1
i want to determine common sub sequence on array
You can use the builtin function "intersect" i = intersect(a,b); i = intersect(i,c); [...] i = intersect(i,h) The l...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1
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Problem with Patch, trying to fill a surface based on points.
Not sure you can do that with the patch command "as it is". You have to create some sort of mesh. Something nicer is obtai...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Help with output values.
If I get it right your function MatOb just prints x_values in the standard output. I fail to see the need of introducing one fu...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
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error in embedded matlab function
Matlab is complaining because it cannot find fnct1. This is the typical answer you get when you use a function that does not ex...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
logical indexing between two varaibles
I'm not sure I understand your problem. It looks like some sort of binning problem. You could try using "histc" on the column...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Make unequally spaced data, equally spaced
Perhaps this is obvious, but datenum(date,'yyyymmddhhMM'); where "date" is a char variable containing your timestamp, con...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
Error message while using Fullfile to write .m file in a specific folder
I think it might have to do with this: in your code you define the name of the file in a char *variable* fileID=['tilt',num2...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
How to have different styles of mesh for matlab surfaces?
uhm, mesh style should be easy, provided you do not use the same color for the faces and the mesh. I'm using black here. se...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
I don't understand what this u(:,1) does to matrix or vector?
It gives you the first column of the array u. If u is a row vector, that is the 1st element. if u is a column vector, that...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
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how to find the same elements from 2 vectors
% this is going to find the common elements (1 and 5) I=intersect(vector_1,vector_2); % this is going to introduce the th...
mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0
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