Tamir Suliman
Sudan University of Science and Technology
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Sudan University of Science and Technology EE Johns Hopkins University ECE University of South Carolina CS
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The Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) with Matlab
The program is designed to create a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) and then verify it.
fast 2 Jahre vor | 4 Downloads |

Caesar Cipher Encryption and Decryption using MATLAB GUIDE
Using MATLAB guide this program will encrypt and decrypt letters using caesar cipher
fast 2 Jahre vor | 10 Downloads |

Lagrange interpolation polynomial fitting with MATLAB
Lagrange interpolation polynomial fitting
fast 2 Jahre vor | 8 Downloads |

Hexadecimal to binary
The hex2bin function in MATLAB is used to convert a hexadecimal string to a binary string.
fast 2 Jahre vor | 3 Downloads |

mulitlevel structure does not work with simulink bus
check the input and output data types of the MATLAB function block. The input should be a vector of the same length as the numb...
etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0
exportONNXNetwork works but importONNXNetwork can't load input layer
All i can say based on your description, it seems like the issue may be related to the input data format or rank of the exported...
etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0
Mex file compiling issue
Your MEX file was not created successfully. This can happen if there were errors during the compilation process. To troubleshoo...
etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0
When importing a URDF model into a Simscape™ Multibody™ model, how do I set the geometry scale attribute to 0.1?
This will import the model 'mymodel.urdf' and scale it by a factor of 0.1 using the decimeter unit. robot = importrobot('mymode...
etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0
How to create an array in Simulink to save data and process these data in Simulink
you can use the "To Workspace" block to save data to a variable in the MATLAB workspace. You can then use the "From Workspace" b...
etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0
Quadratic Equation roots solver
The script is used to solve the roots for quadratic equations.
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 4 Downloads |
How to store the value of y in the loop being executed?
i think yo have so many end after the if statement I modified the number of bits per just to speed it up clc % BPSK M = 2...
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1
How can I access MS SQL Server from MATLAB web application
you could attempt to remove that line making sure data source is specified if I m reading the matlab documentation correctly or ...
mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0
Does anyone recommend a solid state hard drive that will enhance MatLab's speed.
yes my recommendations is OCZ is the one I m using now their website https://ocz.com/us/ssd/ usually what I do is I go to the ...
etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0
S-Function read from texfile
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0
How to use Fourier Transform to convert time to frequency domain for real time data ?
Please search the MATLAB documentation <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/math/fourier-transforms.html>
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0
How to compare the results of different m files and display it in VB.net
Please check the link below : <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1810-opening-files-with-randomly-varying-file-na...
mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 0
Help with graphical input on a GUI axes
I think you may need to implement some while loop or logic to read the cursor location when is changed
fast 7 Jahre vor | 0
how to display scatter in GUI?
do you need to plot it use the scatter3 command please post your code Reference below : https://www.mathworks.com/help/ma...
etwa 7 Jahre vor | 0
can we interface simulink with matlab code?
you can configure Model Callback Functions to call MATLAB code at specific times in the model lifetime. You can use PostLoadFcn ...
etwa 7 Jahre vor | 1
How to use prototxt file in matlab?
See if this article helps <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/61735-neural-network-toolbox-importer-for-caffe...
etwa 7 Jahre vor | 0
Selecting lines from plot
so basically your handles variables or what ever action you assign to it would be the set function
etwa 7 Jahre vor | 0
Selecting lines from plot
you just need to follow this part of the example H(2) = plot(1:10, rand(1, 10), 'b'); set(H, 'ButtonDownFcn', {@LineSel...
etwa 7 Jahre vor | 0
saving multiple .mat files into .txt files
I found a similar question here dlmwrite function can be used may be you need just to pass the variable that is associated t...
etwa 7 Jahre vor | 0
Select every other element of a vector
Write a function which returns every other element of the vector passed in. That is, it returns the all odd-numbered elements, s...
etwa 7 Jahre vor
Determine if input is odd
Given the input n, return true if n is odd or false if n is even.
etwa 7 Jahre vor
could anyone help me to fix the following issue
I think may be you should check the idx
etwa 7 Jahre vor | 0
How can I use a while loop to check input for negative numbers and non-numerical input?
inputnum=input('Enter a positive number: '); while inputnum<0 fprintf('You entered a %d. \n\n', inputnum) input...
etwa 7 Jahre vor | 0
Affine Cipher Encryption / Decryption using MATLAB Guide
Affine Cipher Encryption Decryption using MATLAB Guide
etwa 8 Jahre vor | 1 Download |

Calculate f(4) using newton's interpolating polynomials of order 1 through 4. Choose your base points to attain good accuracy.
Check this code though I m not sure function newton_interpolation(x,y,n,xx) % x and y are two Row Matrices ...
etwa 8 Jahre vor | 0
using single applications of Simpson’s 1/3 rule to evaluate Triple Integral
using single applications of Simpson’s 1/3 rule to evaluate Triple Integral
etwa 8 Jahre vor | 1 Download |