
Vinayak Agrawal

Last seen: etwa ein Jahr vor Aktiv seit 2023

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  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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generating polynomial using newton divided difference
Hi Michael, an updated version of your code that computes the polynomial expression using symbolic calculations in MATLAB: % G...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

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mjs.bat does not exist in R2023a\toolbox\parallel\bin, how can I start mjs services
Hi Jiawen, In my R2023a "mjs_def.bat" exist in "R2023a\mcr\toolbox\parallel\bin" location You can try searching it here. Hop...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

Any one have sample code of Rate splitting multiple access with cooperative or relaying technical. if anyone have it please share me
Hi Xiang, Here's a sample MATLAB code for a Rate Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) system with cooperative relaying % RSMA with...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

What does the following expression indicates?
Hi Charu, Your understanding is correct. The given statement indicates that the transmitted symbols, denoted as B(m), take valu...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

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How to reduce start time of my simulink model
Hi DD, It looks like you're on the right track with precompiling your model. To start the model from the precompiled state, you...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

Dimensions of arrays not consistent error with image segmentation network
Hi Jacob, Based on the code snippet you provided, to fix this error, you should do following change 'Plots','training-progres...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

I need to count cell nucleus in these images how can I do that
Hi Asia, Yes, here is an example code in MATLAB for counting the cells' nucleus from a JPEG photo: % Load the image img = imr...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

Downsampling with Imresize (Satellite Imagery)
Hi cemre, Yes, to downsample your satellite images from 2m to 10m resolution using the `imresize` function in MATLAB, you shoul...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

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Extract values from a fig file?
Hi MementoMori, According to me these commands will help you get the results >>s=load('Example.fig','-mat'); %opening th...

fast 2 Jahre vor | 0

Using different line style to generate plot
Hi Dan, According to me this should be the possible updates in your code- Use different line styles fo...

fast 2 Jahre vor | 0


Swap the first and last columns
Flip the outermost columns of matrix A, so that the first column becomes the last and the last column becomes the first. All oth...

fast 2 Jahre vor