
Charles Valvano

Last seen: fast 3 Jahre vor Aktiv seit 2021

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  • Introduction to MATLAB Master
  • Solver

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Sums with Excluded Digits
Add all the integers from 1 to n in which the digit m does not appear. m will always be a single digit integer from 0 to 9. no...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Making change
Given an amount of currency, return a vector of this form: [100 50 20 10 5 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.1 0.05 0.01] Example: Input a = ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Extract leading non-zero digit
< Benford's Law> states that the distribution of leading digits is not random. This...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Make a Palindrome Number
Some numbers like 323 are palindromes. Other numbers like 124 are not. But look what happens when we add that number to a revers...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Trimming Spaces
Given a string, remove all leading and trailing spaces (where space is defined as ASCII 32). Input a = ' singular value deco...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Subset Sum
Given a vector v of integers and an integer n, return the the indices of v (as a row vector in ascending order) that sum to n. I...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Find the alphabetic word product
If the input string s is a word like 'hello', then the output word product p is a number based on the correspondence a=1, b=2, ....

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Cell joiner
You are given a cell array of strings and a string delimiter. You need to produce one string which is composed of each string fr...

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Reverse Run-Length Encoder
Given a "counting sequence" vector x, construct the original sequence y. A counting sequence is formed by "counting" the entrie...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Which values occur exactly three times?
Return a list of all values (sorted smallest to largest) that appear exactly three times in the input vector x. So if x = [1 2...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Return a list sorted by number of occurrences
Given a vector x, return a vector y of the unique values in x sorted by the number of occurrences in x. Ties are resolved by a ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Quote Doubler
Given a string s1, find all occurrences of the single quote character and replace them with two occurrences of the single quote ...

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Binary numbers
Given a positive, scalar integer n, create a (2^n)-by-n double-precision matrix containing the binary numbers from 0 through 2^n...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Most nonzero elements in row
Given the matrix a, return the index r of the row with the most nonzero elements. Assume there will always be exactly one row th...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Remove all the words that end with "ain"
Given the string s1, return the string s2 with the target characters removed. For example, given s1 = 'the main event' your ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Sort a list of complex numbers based on far they are from the origin.
Given a list of complex numbers z, return a list zSorted such that the numbers that are farthest from the origin (0+0i) appear f...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Nearest Numbers
Given a row vector of numbers, find the indices of the two nearest numbers. Examples: [index1 index2] = nearestNumbers([2 5 3...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Counting Money
Add the numbers given in the cell array of strings. The strings represent amounts of money using this notation: $99,999.99. E...

fast 3 Jahre vor


A pangram, or holoalphabetic sentence, is a sentence using every letter of the alphabet at least once. Example: Input s ...

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Determine if input is odd
Given the input n, return true if n is odd or false if n is even.

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Balanced number
Given a positive integer find whether it is a balanced number. For a balanced number the sum of first half of digits is equal to...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Find the palindrome
Given the string a, find the longest palindromic sub-string b. So when a = 'xkayakyy'; you should return b = 'kayak';

fast 3 Jahre vor


Clean the List of Names
Given a list of names in a cell array, remove any duplications that result from different capitalizations of the same string. So...

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Implement a ROT13 cipher
Replace each character in string s1 with the character that is shifted 13 positions from it (wrap back to the beginning if neces...

fast 3 Jahre vor


DNA N-Gram Distribution
Given a string s and a number n, find the most frequently occurring n-gram in the string, where the n-grams can begin at any poi...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Connect Four Win Checker
< Connect Four> is a game where you try to get four pieces in a row. For this problem, ...

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Given two arrays, find the maximum overlap
Given two arrays s1 and s2, create a new array s3 which is as short as possible and contains both arrays. If s1 = [1 2 3 4 5]...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Find the two most distant points
Given a collection of points, return the indices of the rows that contain the two points most distant from one another. The inpu...

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Write a function that accepts a cell array of strings and returns another cell array of strings *with only the duplicates* retai...

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Maximum running product for a string of numbers
Given a string s representing a list of numbers, find the five consecutive numbers that multiply to form the largest number. Spe...

fast 3 Jahre vor

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