
Ryan Baird

Last seen: 7 Monate vor Aktiv seit 2022

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Failed to generate the HDL dlhdl
The supported versions are here: This page ...

12 Monate vor | 0

How to initialize Xilinx UltraRAMs?
My understanding is that you're correct, and that there's no easy way around it. Since the hardware doesn't support initializin...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

Efficient packing of data for BlockRAMs, UltraRAMs
The RAM block interprets vectors of data to mean you want separate RAM banks. In order to store and retreive the data as a sing...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 3

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imread error obtaining file type
Do the 4 bytes at the beginning of the files' data match one of the numbers defined by the tif file format? If not, and if that...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

HDL Counter with programmable limit
Would a free running counter with a reset port connected to a comparison work for your use case?

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

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Matlab HDL coder error: reptmat is not supported, but in the documentation it is.
Specifying parameters with the syntax ProductWordLength=24 is not yet supported by HDL Coder. The call to fimath can be changed...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

Generating asynchronous delays with HDL coder in Simulink
Since transport delays, inertial delays, and wait statements are simulation-only, non-synthesized VHDL constructs that are ignor...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

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How to control custom Altera/Intel FPGA board using Simulink
That message means it is expecting plugin_board.m to be located at "+DE10NANO_Registration/+qsys_base/plugin_board.m" and either...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

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Unable to perform assignment because brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
It looks like sub_matrix is a matrix rather than a cell array, so it should be accessed with parenthesis: sub_matrix(i, j) = ....

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

HDLCoder hdl.ram: Error System Object methods can only be called once
The problem here isn't that you're using both ram_2p and ram_rx (that is allowed), but that HDL Coder doesn't know this access p...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

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Get error using hdl.ram
Calling "step" inside of a loop is not currently supported. Instead of having this loop inside of the design executing 128 time...

mehr als ein Jahr vor | 0

Why does my simulink chart generate an error with data type fixdt(0,8,0) or fixdt(0,16,0) but not other sizes 7,9,10 etc.
As a workaround, you may be able to define the type directly inside of the symbols pane, or if it is an input set the type to in...

fast 2 Jahre vor | 0

HDL Coder Variable Size Matrix
coder.varsize is declaring a variable size matrix: Initializing t...

fast 2 Jahre vor | 0

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This text contains non-empty top-level expressions. It appears to be a script.
HDL Coder is expecting a function, rather than a script:

fast 2 Jahre vor | 1