
Egon Geerardyn

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Aktiv seit 2011

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Nested for-loops too slow
You might want to work more on that code manually before implementing it like that. As the only thing that really matters is N, ...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 1

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Adaptive Filter for System Identification.
If you're trying to model a continuous time system, I'd recommend making your model for continuous time instead of discrete time...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

Image Background Removal
You can try vectorizing that code, but that will be most likely destroy any short-circuiting you have in there. Just by the top...

etwa 14 Jahre vor | 0

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Can I install an earlier version of MATLAB on a system with a current version of MATLAB?
1) Saying your OS is 32 bit will most likely work. Most 32 bit software should work on a 64 bit OS (unless you are fiddling with...

etwa 14 Jahre vor | 1

Grayscaled Images to RGB
If you just need red, green or blue, you can use the following code: I = im2double(imread('cameraman.tif')); %image in double...

etwa 14 Jahre vor | 2

2nd order polynomial fitting with NaNs
Try indexing your data points to your non-NaN-points Let's just work on an example: %% just generating data x = 1:10; ...

etwa 14 Jahre vor | 5

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