
Shivam Gothi

Last seen: Today Aktiv seit 2024

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  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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Grid Connected VSI, PI controller output waveform never settles.
Hello @Maaz Samir, Based on my understanding, it seems that the issue you're encountering is that the ("Id") and ("Iq") are not...

etwa 2 Stunden vor | 1

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State Vectorization for ODE 45
Hello @shahin sharafi, This happened because your state vector in case-1 is: For the system of equations to give the same ou...

etwa 15 Stunden vor | 0

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Check if figure tab exists
Hello @MH, Thankyou for clearification. I believe it is possible to achieve the objective you mentioned using MATLAB. To addr...

etwa 21 Stunden vor | 1

Best practice for infinitely integrating component
Hello @Lars, The angular frequency () is almost constant. Therefore its integration will yield the output that will be a ramp, ...

2 Tage vor | 1

Is the F280049C fast enough for closed loop inverter control?
Hello @Lars I have had the opportunity to work on a similar project, which involved an inner current control loop and an outer ...

2 Tage vor | 1

Motor drive efficiency and power
Hello Hassan Ali, I have reviewed the Electric Vehicle (EV) model you shared, and I would like to offer some observations and ...

3 Tage vor | 0

i try to put two plot in one graph using legend but one of them just looks been 'cut off', can someone help me to fix this problem
Hello @Elisa, According to my understanding, you are trying to plot responses of underdamped and undamped system on same graph....

3 Tage vor | 0

Hi can anyone help me I want to calculate the FWHM of the contour plot to find the focal beam spot but my result is different.The one I drew with black is where its should be.
Hello, I wanted to clarify that there is no error with the "white" contour you get in the image attached by you. white contour ...

3 Tage vor | 0

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Hi can anyone help me I want to calculate the FWHM of the contour plot to find the focal beam spot but my result is different.The one I drew with black is where its should be.
Hello, There are different definitions of beam diameter. Refer to the below link.

3 Tage vor | 0

limited integration with respect to x in Simulink
Hello Amr, I have tried to solve the above integral by using "ode45" function of MATLAB. I am attaching the matlab script (.m) ...

4 Tage vor | 0

How to turn off epwm using software force logic in c2000 f28388d?
Hello, The parameters you configured appear to be correct. However, since I don't have access to the hardware, I am unable to d...

5 Tage vor | 0

controlling Two F28379D simultaneously
Hello, It seems that the issue is from the hardware side, and not from the programming side. I cannot predict the exact cause ...

5 Tage vor | 0

which angle to use in svpwm switching timings generation
Hello, Simplified schematics of the three phase PLL block is shown below: ...

6 Tage vor | 0

Convintrlv: What is the best way to implement convintrlv for one packet?
Hello, I see that you are working on implementing convintrlv and convdeintrlv using MATLAB code. However, it seems that the del...

6 Tage vor | 0

Why are there asymmetrical three-phase currents in a three-phase symmetrical circuit?
Hello , Here is the explanation of why the line currents are unbalanced. If you zoom in at the waveform of voltage across wind...

6 Tage vor | 0

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rtwbuild doesn't generate modelsources.txt in MATLAB 2023
Hello, I took a simulink model and generated the code for them in R2020a and R2023a version. The "modelsources.txt" was present...

7 Tage vor | 0

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rtwbuild doesn't generate modelsources.txt in MATLAB 2023
Hello Trung Nguyen Thanh, I understand that you are trying to generate the code for Simulink model in MATLAB version R2023a, u...

7 Tage vor | 0

Resolving array indices must be positive integers or logical values error?
Hello, From the above code, it seems that you are trying to access the name “testsamples” from the fold_name = 'C:\testsamples'...

10 Tage vor | 0

villard circuit simulink?
Hello, "The circuit schematics appear to be fine; however, it seems that some of the component values may need adjustment. Coul...

10 Tage vor | 0

Model the equation of a RLC circuit and solve it by Euler Method
Hello, I understand that you are trying to simulate a RLC circuit and obtain the results as shown in the attached images. Th...

10 Tage vor | 0

simulation of LL fault in PV array
Hello, The short circuit can be simulated in Simulink by using “breaker” block of Simulink. We can control the opening and clo...

11 Tage vor | 0

Dynamics of a Spring Mass Damper
Hello, I understand that you need to simulate a mass-spring damper system when subjected to the stochastic loads such as human...

11 Tage vor | 0

How to set initial position of prismatic joint
Hi, In Simulink, the joints can start simulation from different states. For example, the prismatic joint of your model can ...

12 Tage vor | 0