
Fabio Freschi

Politecnico di Torino

Last seen: 4 Tage vor Aktiv seit 2014

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Programming Languages:
C++, C
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  • Knowledgeable Level 5
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Subclass with dynamic method
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to implement an OOP code with a superclass and subclass. In order to simplify my question, I created a ...

etwa ein Monat vor | 1 Antwort | 0



turn of automatic docking
You can run set(0,'DefaultFigureWindowStyle','normal'); to have undocked figures. If you want it to be the default, you can w...

12 Monate vor | 0

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How to solve and plot second order differential equation using ode45?
In your code there is a mistake in the definition of x(1) and x(2) I have made a few stylistic changes (parameters outside the ...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

exponential regression functions with error in input values
you can use lsqnonlin or lsqcurvefit clear variables, close all % data x = [4 25 100]; y = [100 50 0]; % fitting functi...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

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Runge-Kutta 4th order method for 2nd order differential equation with complex number
Your code is working correctly: in fact, if you use the built-in ode45 solver, you obtain exactly the same result. My guess ther...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

stl write triangulation error.
There are two errors The output of surf2solid is not a triangulation object inputs of stlwrite are in the wrong order sidelen...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

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Conditional Question Matlab Disagreement
I agree with all the comments and answers. But maybe one should read (6+3)>8>2 as "is 8 larger than 2 and lower than (6+3)?" tha...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

How to convert 2d implicit plot to 3d plot?
For every value of c you have a different surface. So you can plot one surface at a time. For example % param value c = 0; ...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

How I can split a two column data into chunks like this snap shot
If I have understood correctly, this code should to the job. Note that 83 is a prime number, so it is difficult to create chunks...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

fprintf formatting problem with cell and array matrix 2
With mixed data tipes the simplest thing is to use a for loop clear, clc, close all %% input data fracs = ... [1.0807995...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 1

Related to comparing two vectors
You can compare the two complete vectors (you also compare zeros, but who cares?) % data v1 = [0 0 0 4 5 0 0 0].'; v2 = [0 0 ...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

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Show matrix is not invertible.
You can simply show that A is not full rank syms a b c d e f g h A = [a 0 0 b 0; 0 c 0 0 d; 0 0 e f 0; 0 0 0 0 g; 0 h 0 0 0] ...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

Visualize CFD data in a 2D mesh
I assume you have the connectivity of your cells, if not you can create it with delaunay. Then use the low level funciton patch....

etwa ein Jahr vor | 1

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Solving systems of equations graphically and finding where they cross.
@Matt J solution is the cleanest. I have understood you want to find the graphical intersection. If you want to do it yourself y...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

Finding sum of for loop with if else statement
You must move your sum inside the loop increment your summation variable Note that your vector is complex and plot displays o...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

Method to get as large and few as number boxes
The following attempt is far from being a perfect answer to your question. All perplexities of @Walter Roberson are also mine, s...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 2

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Converting MATLAB Isosurface into Triangulation object for .stl export
You don't need to use surf2patch. You can extract infos directly from the struct created by isosurface isosurf = isosurface(tif...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

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Issue connectivity faces with isosurface
Sorting of the faces does not guaratee the property you think exist. If you check, your isosurface is a closed surface: all edge...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

How to graph values of different lengths?
@Nicole, you initialize the vector EV_power to have length 24*60*7 = 10080, however in the two nested loops, the dimesion change...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

Problem fitting the curve with fminsearch
I would use lsqnonlin: it's more general than polyfit suggested by @Torsten (that in this case would work perfectly). Qualitativ...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 1

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Identify some nodes near a known node
You can use featureEdges. You get both upper and lower nodes, but it's not difficult to distinguish them You can also check for...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 1

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How do I start counting when below a threshold and stop counting above the same threshold in a timeseries?
Below you can find a possible solution that does not require any toolbox % signal length N = 100; % threshold t = 0.5; ...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

Creating a For Loop to Compare Every Two Cells in Array
I try to translate your pseudocode into Matlab instructions HD_Affect = ["Neutral" "Positive" "Negative" "Positive" "Neutral" "...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

delete the top and bottom triangular faces of the 3D object
By looking at your data I see that the top and bottom triangles have a predominant z direction of the face normals. So I play wi...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

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order the rows of the 3 matrices starting from the third coordinate of the point P
If you want to sort A according to the third column you can simply do the following % your data A = [28.0445 -17.2717 83.972 1...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

identify the coordinates of a point P (1x3) in three distinct matrices
You can use ismember % data A = [28.0445 -17.2717 83.972 1 2 3 27.8199 -16.986 83.3748 4 5 6 27.2756 -16.339 81.871 ...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 1

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Skin effect formulas with imaginary numbers problems
There are several problems in your script you forgot the empy space permeability you are misinterpretating the concept of comp...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 2

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Is it possible to programmatically get a list of all file dependencies included in my standalone application (Matlab Compiler )
Never used Matal Compiler, so I don't now if I'm of help. In any case I put my 50 cents in. When I want to extract all matlab f...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 1

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How to write axes on an imported mesh
You can use quiver3. In the example below I plot the 3 coordinate axes, you can modify accoridng to your vectors clear variable...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

stl fusion of two files
While waiting for more details about the inputs, I make my guesses. if your objectSTL has nodes/faces/normals, you can't addres...

etwa ein Jahr vor | 0

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