of 295.495
3 Fragen
93 Antworten
328 of 20.240
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GUI building and memory usage
If you can, re-use figures rather than deleting them.
fast 8 Jahre vor | 0
how to pass java collection to matlab
Probably simplest to use an array myArray=foos.toArray(); myArray will be a java array of type Object.
mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0
Can you use a Raspberry Pi as (local) CPU core with the Parallel Computing Toolbox and/or Distributed Computing Server?
You can run m-code using Octave on a Pi if that helps. Your bottleneck will likely be data exchange (as e.g. when using a GPU). ...
mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0
Pause function in matlab for 1 millisecond
Pause does more than cause a sleep (see the docs) e.g. it flushes the AWT/Swing EDT. The minimum delay will therefore reflect wh...
mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 2
Call MATLAB from java
"I'm developing a software to interact with piano melodies in java using Netbeans IDE 8.0.2" [1] There may be no need to do a...
mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0
| akzeptiert
Matlab Crashes when installing on Mac
Might be an idea to update/revert graphics drivers (????)
mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0
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Can I disable java console output when using javaMethod?
AFAIK, no - MATLAB uses stderr and stdout. Same as Java.
mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0
Java 1.8 with Matlab 2015b on Windows 7
In Netbeans, edit the Preferences to target Java 1.7 or earlier when you do a build. All should then be OK.
mehr als 8 Jahre vor | 0
URGENT... Matlab System::FatalException!!!
MATLAB uses lazy memory allocation. That means that if your code accesses a memory area that it should not (e.g. by incrementing...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
Passing Matrix List to Java Method ,error:No method 'list_method' with matching signature found for class
OK, if you are stuck with a List java-side, you need to create a list MATLAB-side. In MATLAB: * Create a concrete list cla...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
Passing Matrix List to Java Method ,error:No method 'list_method' with matching signature found for class
Try public void list_method(double[] points){ ... } Note that MATLAB vectors/matrices contain doubles by defaul...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0
| akzeptiert
Reset JVM to default
R2011b needs - and on Windows is bundled with - Java 6. Either: # delete the MATLAB_JAVA (not JAVA_HOME) environment varia...
mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 1
| akzeptiert
Publication quality graphics in MATLAB
A Java based graphics package - "Project Waterloo" - is presently being developed to provide good quality anti-aliased graphics ...
fast 11 Jahre vor | 2 Antworten | 2
AntwortenDoes Matlab have memory leaks?
Garbage collection is done when required, rather than when possible - so the simple loop is not really testing much. Also MA...
fast 11 Jahre vor | 1
| akzeptiert
Java outofmemoryerror while saving figures
It looks like the save to file is running on the Java Event Despatch Thread (AWT-EventQueue-0)- so Java references will persist...
etwa 11 Jahre vor | 1
Intermittent error accessing Java constant
Strange. What happens if you look it up as: javax.swing.SwingConstants.TRAILING
etwa 11 Jahre vor | 0
Working with unicode paths
Jim MATLAB/Java need to talk to an OS and a file system beneath so this is likely to vary across FAT12/16/32, NTFS etc as wel...
etwa 11 Jahre vor | 0
Viewing Java Objects Data
Try methods(object) You may find getDimension and is* methods that provide access to the fields.
mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0
Where is a list of eventtypes for listeners?
@Matt As the uicontrols use Java under the hood, see the available Java listeners at <
mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0
License files from the FEX
@Jan I find lots of "installation procedure" enquiries also even though clear install instructions are provided. Often that i...
mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1
Project Waterloo File and Matrix Utilities
Utilities for partial input/output from MATLAB MAT-files, HDF5-files and custom binary files.
mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 3 Downloads |
How to resample a signal by a fraction
Is this any help? % SincResample returns the data convolved with a set of time-shifted windowed sinc functions, one for eac...
mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0
get an error message by running a large code
You are running out of Java heap space. Two solutions: [1] Increase the size of the available heap in MATLAB preferences. ...
mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1
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How to drop decimal values without rounding off?
mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0
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I am taking Open MIT course. Not registered as a student at the university. How can I get MATLAB?
Or try Octave which is free and open-source but best supported on Linux - runs fine with Debian Wheezy on a Raspberry Pi board w...
mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1
NetCDF or HDF5 or XYZ to provide time series data at the fingertips of the user
@Per I suspect some of the problems with memmapfile might be related to using multiple 128KB memmapfiles. Each requires syste...
mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0
Slow boot: issue with MATLAB and Java at PC startup?
A possibility (maybe): Is on-access system security software scanning and decompressing all those jar files?
fast 12 Jahre vor | 0
How do I launch a matlab gui from the desktop?
One way might be to launch a Java executable and connect to the MATLAB engine using the Java Matlab Interface via matlabcontrol:...
fast 12 Jahre vor | 0
MCR incompatibility with Mountain Lion?
It does work on Mountain Lion. Have you installed the Command Line Tools in XCode Preferences (needed in Mountain Lion) and t...
fast 12 Jahre vor | 0
cell2mat loops & running out of memory
Depending on the MAT-file version, there may be something that could help in: <
fast 12 Jahre vor | 0