
vighnesh rana

Last seen: etwa 4 Jahre vor Aktiv seit 2020

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Write a function called max_sum that takes v, a row vector of numbers, and n, a positive integer as inputs. The function needs to find the n consecutive elements of v whose sum is the largest possible.
function [summa,index] = max_sum(A,n) if length(A)< n summa = 0; index = -1; return; end summa = -inf; index ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Write a function called halfsum that takes as input an at most two-dimensional array A and computes the sum of the elements of A that are in the lower right triangular part of A
function summa = halfsum(A) [row col] = size(A); total = 0; for r = 1:row for c= r:col total = total + A(r,c)...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0