Plotting Center of Mass from Load Cell data
Hi Sebastian, Yes you can use Simulink/ MATLAB for getting the the data from loadCell and then visualuzing them in a graph. Hav...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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plot Time-activity curve from .TAC file using Matlab
Hi Viktor, I am afraid we cannot open .tac file in MATLAB. You can extract the 4 variables mentioned above from third party sof...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

covert true colour image to gray
Hi Rakesh, Working on the example given in rgb2gray RGB = imread('peppers.png'); % RGB size(RGB) % It gives 384 512 3 ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0


There are 10 types of people in the world
Those who know binary, and those who don't. The number 2015 is a palindrome in binary (11111011111 to be exact) Given a year...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor

How to deal with KeyPressFcn recording multiple key presses within a loop?
Hi Lp, Update your Key_Down function as below for a workaround function Key_Down(~,event,leftkey) if strcmp(event.Key,lef...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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How do I convert binary strings from a text file to fixpoint numbers?
Hi Dominik, Refer to link for solution to a similar question. Regards, Anmol Dhiman

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Appending new data for every operation in excel
Hi Lokesh, Refer to answer for a similar question. Regads, Anmol Dhiman

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

How to see cross validation in trainNetwork?
Hi Krishna, Cross Validation generates indices for training and testing data. The indices genereted for training can be used to...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

How do install Matlab Drive Connector on Linux without a GUI display?
Hi Reimann, Unfortunately there is no workaround - a graphical installation and setup wizard is required. A VNC server is proba...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

How to split a dataset into training/validation images, assuming I have multiple subfolders ?
Hi M J, In my opinion there is no direct way to do so. You can seperate both training and validation manually or programitacal...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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Understanding the resolution on calculating the isotopic distribution function 'isotopicdist.m'
Hi XiaoYing, In the above case both w and the ResolutionValue are same. It specifies the approximate resolution of the instrum...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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Simulink is not opening in Matlab 2019
Hi Rohit, Follow the steps in this ML Answer. Regards, Anmol Dhiman

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

I can't progress 'Build a Map from Lidar Data Using SLAM a' any more.
Hi Taejee, Use the below command to open the example and relavant files. openExample('driving/BuildAMapFromLidarDataUsingSLAME...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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Unrecognized function or variable
Hi Sridharan, Follow the link for resolutions. Regards, Anmol Dhiman

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Risk Management tool box. hHistoricalVaRES
Hi Syed, The function hHistoricalVaRES is present in the example Expected Shortfall Estimation and Backtesting. You can try the...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Live Editor Format Problem
Hi Erin, For Changing the font size of the figure , you can use set(gca,'FontSize', value) after plotting where value is the in...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

How to apply distance transform on labelled matrix
Hi Rizwan, I am assuming the matrix as binary. You can refer to Distance Transform of a Binary Image. Regrds, Anmol Dhiman

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

I have a cell array and want to plot each of the cells on a tiled layout.
Hi Khiana, You can use the below code A_new ={}; % Cell array declared as A in your code numColmns = size(A, 2); for i = 1...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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Appending a csv file with existing data already in another column
Hi Mahdi, In my opinion, you can read the data first, modify it and then save the data back to the file. Assuming you have csv...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 2

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How to join multi bands image and calculate the index in Matlab
Hi Anggi, Follow this example on finding vegetation indices (NDVI) in multispectral image. Regards, Anmol Dhiman

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Importing a two variable function into pdepe
Hi Matthew, You can use interp2 for 2 variables. Regards, Anmol Dhiman

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

How to rename S outup of the funtion load ?
Hi Adrein, Please folow the link. Regards, Anmol Dhiman

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

How to split a dataset in 3 sets using splitEachLabel using percentage such that each class appears in all 3 sets?
Hi Faisal, The second arguement (0.75) in splitEachLabel is proportion representing proportion of files to split, specified as ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

How to use C Caller Block?
Hi Elena, C Caller block only supports models with no dynamic states and variables. To include dynamic states and variables in ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Problem with opening an abf file using abfload
Hi Neha, Use disp(nDataFormat) before the switch case to see the output. As it is not 0 or 1, you are getting error. Check for ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Regarding LSTM inputs.
Hi Srikanth, You can read about LSTM and look for examples, which may help you to clear your doubts. Regards, Anmol Dhiman

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Hey guys, I have a problem with power_V2G command. It isn't running
Hi Paulina, For performance purposes, MATLAB caches a list of files on the MATLAB search path (including toolbox files), and th...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

MATLAB Funcion is not connected in Simulink
Hi Blanca, If you notice, output a from fcn block is not connected to anything. This is the reason for your error. You can use ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

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How to call wavelet analyzer toolbox from within the script?
Hi Pradeep, Use wavedec for decomposition. wavedec supports only Type 1 (orthogonal) or Type 2 (biorthogonal) wavelets. See wfi...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Color Text Output Using the 'publish' Function
Hi Jeremy, I am assuming that you are publishing it as an HTML document. So you can use html tag in your document. Add the font...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1

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