
Chidvi Modala

Last seen: 9 Tage vor Aktiv seit 2019

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  • 3 Month Streak
  • Knowledgeable Level 4
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How do i do the reverse from expand function ?
Hi Tomer, In general, you may use simplify(expr) function to perform algebraic simplification of expr. But simplify currently h...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Simulink - TI Piccolo F2803x eQEP block not working properly
Hi Samira, The “Target hardware resources” groups shown differ by hardware board and only appear when there are multiple option...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

2021b code folding is actually too dense
Hi David, I have heard that this issue is known and the concerned parties may be investigating further.

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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Error when running my CNN code ( Error using parallel.internal.pool.DataQueue The specified superclass 'parallel.internal.pool.AbstractDataQueue' contains a parse error)
Hi Nour, In general, the error 'cannot be found on MATLAB's search path, or is shadowed by another file with the same name.' is...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

how do i get the portuguese version of the fuzzy logic toolbox user manual
Hi Lucas, Many MathWorks products have translated documentation in Japanese. In addition, some features of MATLAB have translat...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Integers can only be raised to positive integral powers in db2mag computation
The reason for the error is using negative powers as input to test the generated code. In general, power function can be used in...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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ip camera Connection not working
Currently there is no support for H264 encoding for IPCam. The video stream has to be encoded in Motion JPEG (mjpeg) format. As ...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Anaconda prevents MATLAB from reading files?
CPython is the recommended Python build for use with MATLAB, as noted at the following links:

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Error in Parameter Esitmation 'OutputTimes'
A possible root cause of the issue can be repeating time values in the experimental data which get indirectly fed to 'OutputTime...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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visible light communication for modulation using matlab?
The following links might be of help to you Cognitive based visible light communication Indoor visible light communication V...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Way to solve these non-linear equations since fsolve isn't working fine.
The objective function supplied to FSOLVE must return a vector without any Inf or NaN entries. In your case, it is possible that...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Can anybody suggest me from where I can learn about model predictive control (MPC) application ? it will be a great help for me.
You may refer to videos provided in the below link Get started with Model Predictive Control Toolbox

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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How to get the peak overshoot from simulink ?
If you have Control System Toolbox, you can use stepinfo. For example, If you save the data in "structure with time format" as "...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Error using octaveFilter/parenReference in App Designer application
isInputComplexityLockedImpl is converted to isInputComplexityMutableImpl from MATLAB R2021a. So, while defining octaveFilter sys...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

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have Window 10. trying to connect ble devices. However "ble" command shoes: Scanning not supported on Linux. How do I fix this?
Can you execute the following, and let us know the output >> ispc >> ismac >> [status, result] = system('ver');

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Conditionals in argument blocks
You may refer to the following piece of code function v1 = myfunction(shape, varargin) if strcmp(shape,'rectangle') if n...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

xlswrite function works once, then throws error - Error using xlswrite (line 226) Invoke Error, Dispatch Exception: Source: Microsoft Excel Description: Add method of Workbooks class failed
A possible reason for this error can be the COM/ActiveX layer that is started by XLSREAD. In particular, Excel is not able to al...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

Index exceeds number of array elements (1)?
When defining g, you are trying to use km(x(3) - x(1)). Here MATLAB assumes '()' is used for accessing elements in an array. You...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Can't open property inspector
A possible cause for this error could be, if a prior file(for example a FileExchange download) was "shadowing" a function that w...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Find indices of matching date times
You can refer to the following piece of code s1 = {'2014-07-28' ; '2014-06-29' ; '2014-07-30'}; s2 = {'2014-08-01' ; '2014-07-...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

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An error was encountered during execution of the HDFEOS library function "GDreadfield".
You might be giving improper inputs to You may execute the following. This opens the source file....

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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Compatible GPU's for RL Toolbox
MATLAB R2021a supports Pascal (cc6.x) where cc indicates the compute capability of the GPU architecture. GeForce GT1030 is suppo...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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I have a m1 macbook air. For the past two days, I can not get Matlab to run on my device. It keeps freezing as soon as I open it.
A possible root-cause of this issue might be the simultaneous initialization of the MATLAB Editor when MATLAB session is initial...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

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ı cant update my student matlab licanse
You may refer to the following links

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

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Matlab crashes when trying to read rosbag
One possible reason can be due to reading all the messages at a time. If we read all the messages with readMessages(bag), then t...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Want to plot a mesh structure in matlab but in live script this error comes up.
The triangulation object returned from stlread(stlFile) might be empty. Hence the error. You may verify this by executing the ...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Why my pdf layout so strange when exporting *.mlx to pdf?
I am not sure what else is defined before defining B matrix. When exporting a livescript with MATLAB code in PDF, if the code ...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

sss_stirling_engine not working
The specified example requires Simscape toolbox. You can run the following command in your MATLAB command window to check if the...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 1

Unable to add Simscape to my library
You can reach out to our Support Team. They would be able to assist you with installation.

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 0

Requested 48000x48000 (17.2GB) array exceeds maximum array size preference. Creation of arrays greater than this limit may take a long time and cause MATLAB to become unresponsive. Error in dtw (line 16) d=(repmat(t(:),1,M)-repmat(r(:)',N,1)).^2; %t
This issue could be due to RAM limitations. You may try the following suggestions: 1.Go to MATLAB > Preferences > Workspace and...

mehr als 3 Jahre vor | 4

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