
Sambit Senapati

Last seen: mehr als ein Jahr vor Aktiv seit 2018

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What do the 1D filters represent when using imfilter?
To my understanding filtering is process of either convolution or correleation of kernel with the image. This operation is possi...

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0

Specialized Power Systems / Fundamental Blocks / Measurements is missing in matlab 2015b
There are two library location for measurement in MATLAB 2015b. From MATLAB 2018b simpowersystem and simelectronics were merged ...

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0

Read multiple datasets from HDF
Currently hdfread doesn't support this workflow.

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0

Hi,everyone! can i know if in matlab there is a library for the Partitioned Block Frequency Domain Adaptive Filter (PB-FDAF)
Unfortunately, currently Partitioned Block Frequency Domain Adaptive Filter is not available in any MATLAB toolboxes.

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0

Add title, x and y labels to scatter()
From my understanding you would like to change the figure name from 'Figure 1' to something else. Please refer to following link...

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0

short-circuit fault newton-raphson power-flow
You might want to take a look in to the following link:

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0

How to Extract data from 3D implicit plot?
Unfortunately, currently MATLAB does not support this workflow for implicit surface plot.

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0

How do I add a curve fitted plot to this code?
you can use the polyval and plot functions in tandem to do the job here: instead of calling polyval(C,33.75) at a single data p...

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0

how much disk space does Matlab R2019a require to build on Linux?
A full installation of all MathWorks product on Linux requires 26GB of disk space. Please refer to this link. However, if you a...

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 2

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call function - slow
Please go through the this <

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

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What are Ts_Control and Ts_Power variables?
From the variable names, Ts_Control would be the sampling time of the MPPT control block and Ts_Power would be the sampling time...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 2

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How to turn a 3 phase line into a single line in a Simulink diagram?
You need to convert the three lines coming from source to simulink signal using PS-Simulink converter block. Now, use buscreator...

fast 6 Jahre vor | 0

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How can upload my Matlab programs on my website
MATLAB compiler is not available on MATLAB Home license. For publishing MATLAB program to web you must have a MATLAB compiler.

fast 6 Jahre vor | 1

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Can someone point me to a brushless DC generator model (not motor)?
AC7 is BLDC motor drive not a BLDC motor model. You need to use one of the following: * FEM-parameterized PMSM of Simscape *...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

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3D Animation using lines. What is handle and mode in this code?
'mode' variable in the above code is used to specify the value of 'EraseMode' property for the 3D plot. Generally 'EraseMode' i...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 1

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How can I increase the interval growth rate?
Instead of using a for loop, you can use a while loop as follows N=10; while N<=10000 % your code N=N*...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 1

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Sensor Fusion using Kalman Filter + Simulink
Kalman filter block doesn't have the capability to do sensor fusion. Instead of Kalman filter block use Extended kalman filter (...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 4

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Changing StartTime of Protected Model
The Simulink software stores the protected model as a compiled MEX binary. Hence it is not possible to change any solver configu...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

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DotProduct kernel for gpr
MATLAB’s GPR module provides an option for passing a custom kernel through function handle. A function handle that can be called...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

How to linearise a set of data points using PWA?
As per my understanding you want to fit piecewise linear curve through your data. If your data is single dimensional then “ <htt...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0