
Eike Blechschmidt

Last seen: mehr als 2 Jahre vor Aktiv seit 2021

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function value VS function handle?
With both statements you call the function. If you want the function handle you need to do: kk1 = @func1;

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 0


Undocumented MATLAB tricks No. 1 - Save a function-returned struct
Often we face the case when we want to save a function-returned struct to a mat file with each of its field as individual variab...

etwa 3 Jahre vor

Plot a sine wave with decreasing frequency over time
The easiest and correct is probably to use: f1 = 50; f2 = 10; t = 0:0.001:10; y = chirp(t,f1,t(end),f2); plot(t, y);

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 0

Plot a sine wave with decreasing frequency over time
How about f_upper = 50; f_lower = 10; t = 0:0.01:10; f = linspace(f_upper, f_lower, numel(t)); a = 10; x = a * sin(2*pi*f....

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 0


3n + 1 Problem (a.k.a The Collatz Conjecture)
The 3n + 1 problem (a.k.a The Collatz Conjecture) Consider the following algorithm to generate a sequence of numbers. Start wit...

etwa 3 Jahre vor

How to solve "Check for incorrect argument data type or missing argument in call to function 'exp'" in matrix for linear program
The following returns a table. X=readtable('Simulated Log Electricity Prices Test'); If you index it using the following a tab...

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 1

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Speed up a for loop in my programme?
If I understood you right this could do the trick and is about 2.5x faster on my machine. tic(); X=rand(size2*size2,1)*2*pi-pi...

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 0

Table variable subscripts must be real positive integers
I guess you just forgot the quotation marks around benchmarkName and assetNames.

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 0

Adding elements to the ends of vectors inside a cell array of vectors
You could use arrayfun: arrayfun(@(l,i1,i2,u) [l x(i1:i2) u], xLower,i1,i2, xUpper, “uniform“, false) This is untested b...

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 1

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Does fileDatastore not implement ""?
I'm currently developing a custom datastore that takes an existing datastore and adds some features. In the constructor I would...

etwa 3 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0

