Spherical Harmonics

This function generates the Spherical Harmonics basis functions of degree L and order M.
Aktualisiert 5. Okt 2005

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This function generates the Spherical Harmonics basis functions of degree L and order M.



L - Spherical harmonic degree, [1x1]
M - Spherical harmonic order, [1x1]
RES - Vector of # of points to use [#Theta x #Phi points],[1x2] or [2x1]
PLOT_FLAG - Binary flag to generates a figure of the spherical harmonic surfaces (DEFAULT=1)


Ymn - Spherical harmonics coordinates, [RES(1) x RES(2)]
THETA - Circumferential coordinates, [RES(1) x RES(2)]
PHI - Latitudinal coordinates, [RES(1) x RES(2)]
X,Y,Z - Cartesian coordinates of magnitude, squared, spherical harmonic surface points, [RES(1) x RES(2)]

NOTE: It is very important to keep the various usages of THETA and PHI straight. For this function THETA is the Azimuthal/Longitude/Circumferential coordinate and is defined on the interval [0,2*pi], whereas PHI is the Altitude/Latitude/Elevation and is defined on the interval [0,pi]. Also note that the conversion to cartesian coordinates requires that PHI be offset by pi/2 so that the conversion is on the interval [-pi/2,pi/2].

Zitieren als

Daniel Ennis (2025). Spherical Harmonics (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/8638-spherical-harmonics), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

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