
Version 1.0.0 (749 KB) von Omer Yuval
A customizable multi-screen GUI with an underlying data structure
Aktualisiert 18. Okt 2020

This package provides a multi-screen GUI template that can be customized for different projects.

It includes an integrated data structure for storing project data and graphics information. A project file can store data for multiple projects, and can be saved and loaded into the GUI.

The software supports both single- and multi-view projects (e.g. images, videos), and raw data can either be saved explicitly, or as its path to save memory.

To get started, set hyperparameters in GUI_Params.m and Project_Class.m.

Zitieren als

Omer Yuval (2024). GUI_Template (, GitHub. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2020b
Kompatibel mit R2020b und späteren Versionen
Windows macOS Linux

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