1Dt multilayer thermal quadrupole solver and builder

Version 1.0 (321 KB) von I2M
This app allows to calculated the 1Dt thermal response of a multilayer sample composed of resistive layers and conductive one.
Aktualisiert 7. Feb 2020

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With this app you can calculate any thermal assembly and also Controle the boundary conditions. The main adavantage is that you can easily build your sample layer by choosing material or resistive layers and how many you want.
You can also save your assembly and further reload it
You can also make a sensitivity study of any layer you want.....

Zitieren als

I2M (2024). 1Dt multilayer thermal quadrupole solver and builder (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/74199-1dt-multilayer-thermal-quadrupole-solver-and-builder), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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Erstellt mit R2019a
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