Block Alignment Tool for Simulink
Version 1.3.1 (647 KB) von
Sysenso Systems
Helps to align the simulink model blocks using directed graph algorithms.
BlockAlignment - Simulink Block Alignment Tool
Helps to align the simulink model blocks using directed graph algorithms.
>> autoBlockAlignment(modelLayer,alignDepth,approach);
>> autoBlockAlignment(modelLayer,alignDepth,approach,annotationMoveLocation,annotationAlignDiretion);
- modelLayer : Name of the simulink model/subsystem which blocks to be aligned
- alignDepth : Depth to which simulink model layer to be aligned. 'current' - To align the blocks in the current layer only. 'all' - To align all layers below of the given system.
- approach : Select a directed graph aligning approach. All three approaches are equally good. graphviz and mwdot are better than diagraph as we can consider port alignments as well. 'graphviz' - To use the graphviz software( installed in the machine. 'mwdot' - mwdot.exe is available as part of MATLAB installation. 'digraph' - digraph is a MATLAB function introduced from R2015b.
Optional Arguments: To handle annotation placements.
- annotationMoveLocation : Location in which annotatios of the given simulink model to be moved. 'left','right','top','bottom' are the possible options. Default Value: 'top'.
- annotationAlignDiretion : Direction in which annotatios of the given simulink model to be moved. 'column','row' are the possible options. Default Value: 'column'.
>> autoBlockAlignment('sldemo_autotrans/Vehicle','current','graphviz')
>> autoBlockAlignment('sldemo_autotrans','all','digraph')
>> autoBlockAlignment('sldemo_autotrans/Vehicle','current','mwdot','left','row')
Developed by: Sysenso Systems,
Zitieren als
Sysenso Systems (2025). Block Alignment Tool for Simulink (, GitHub. Abgerufen.
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Version | Veröffentlicht | Versionshinweise | |
1.3.1 | Updated description. |
1.3 | Connected with github repository. |
1.2 | See release notes for this release on GitHub: |
1.1 | Added tool screenshot |
1.0.0 |
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