CARNOT Toolbox
Carnot Version 7.0, 2019 for Simulink R2018b under BSD 3-Clause License
CARNOT is a toolbox extension for MATLAB SIMULINK. It is a tool for the calculation and simulation of the thermal components of HVAC systems with regards to conventional and regenerative elements. The CARNOT Toolbox is a library of typical components of these systems. It is organized in Blocksets like the SIMULINK Library itself. The handling of the blocks is exactly the same as in SIMULINK, so that users familiar with SIMULINK can directly use the new Blocksets in the same way.
Please download CARNOT (app. 150 MB) from
We kindly ask all users to refer to Solar-Institut Juelich (SIJ) as copyright holder in all publications related to calculations performed with CARNOT. In spite of the fact that we cannot provide support for the software, we kindly ask all users to report bugs to us in order to improve the toolbox in future versions.
You may become a member of the CARNOT user community by sending an email to:
The community holds annual meetings to discuss CARNOT applications, bugs, and its further development.
Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Windows macOS LinuxKategorien
- Sciences > Material Sciences > Thermal Analysis >
- Sciences > Chemistry > Chemical Thermodynamics >
- Engineering > Mechanical Engineering > Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer >
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