max_in_place - example of multi-threaded MEX function

Version 1.0.4 (10,3 KB) von Yair Altman
Example of a multi-threaded MEX function, that can easily be adapted
Aktualisiert 19. Jul 2018

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Max_in_place is a sample MEX file that shows a generic framework for multi-threaded processing in MEX functions.

Syntax: max_in_place(matrix1, matrix2)

The 2 input matrices must be real non-sparse and have the same number of elements. The matrix1 input is updated in-place (without memory reallocation) with the maximal value of corresponding elements in the two matrices.

Multi-threading is controlled via Matlab's builtin maxNumCompThreads function.
The code can easily be adapted for other processing types.

A detailed description is found at:

Zitieren als

Yair Altman (2024). max_in_place - example of multi-threaded MEX function (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2017b
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Added reference to Dirk-Jan Kroon'ssubmissions


Yet another attempt to update the screenshot...


another attempt to upload a screenshot...


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