LaTeX Output Classes for MatLab

This code lets the one more easily generate LaTeX code for tables and figures from within MATLAB.
Aktualisiert 15. Mai 2018

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The purpose of this set of classes is to enable the programmer to (more) easily generate LaTeX code for tables
and figures from within MATLAB. I have included a pdf file which documents many of the features of this code as well as providing examples for basic functionality. There are other solutions already available; however, the use of MATLAB classes enables greater functionality with less input from the user. Note that the classes assume you have a working knowledge of LaTeX in that it does not reject or replace special characters. For instance if you want the caption to say 'This & That' you must write it as 'This \& That' since & is a special character in LaTeX. Other special characters include but are not limited to #, $, n, and ~.
I created this code to help with some output during my graduate work. (It was also an excuse to learn how to work with classes as I never had the need before.) As such, it was written quickly, and I now know that there are some better ways of implementing some of the features. However, I thought I may post it here just in case it would help anyone else who has thought about doing the same thing.

Zitieren als

Christopher Roberts (2025). LaTeX Output Classes for MatLab (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2014a
Kompatibel mit allen Versionen
Windows macOS Linux

Inspiriert von: export_fig

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