CSTR with unwanted products, coolant heat transfer and flow rate control

CSTR, unwanted products, coolant heat transfer controlled
Aktualisiert 24. Mär 2017

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This problem varies coolant heat transfer rate and input flow rate and deals with reaction set A-->B-->C and 2A-->D.
This code is created and inspired by John Hedengren. To go to his MATLAB community profile, follow the link below.

Zitieren als

Sahil Bhandari (2025). CSTR with unwanted products, coolant heat transfer and flow rate control (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/62247-cstr-with-unwanted-products-coolant-heat-transfer-and-flow-rate-control), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

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