Bag of Visual Words

Matlab (GUI) implementation for Bag of Visual words.
Aktualisiert 4. Jan 2019

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Matlab (GUI) implementation for Bag of Visual words.

This implementation is based on Matlab functions and Vlfeat lib.
The number of visual words=200, to change it:
from line 87 in bovw_sift.m
from line 76 in bovw_surf.m
Download the VLFeat binary package (version 0.9.20) from the following link:
Extract vlfeat-0.9.20-bin in the root of the BoVW directory.

Add the following line in vlfeat-0.9.20-bin\vlfeat-0.9.20\toolbox\vl_setup.m:

1- Run BoVW.m
2- Choose the number of classes
3- Browse image folders (folder for each class)
4- Choose descriptor (SIFT or SURF)
5- Train (5-fold validation)
6- Test using new images

Zitieren als

Mahmoud Afifi (2025). Bag of Visual Words (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2015b
Kompatibel mit allen Versionen
Windows macOS Linux

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