This function creates a string containing Matlab code describing a variable.
Create a string [ 'this = data;' ]
class2str(this, data, 'no comments')
same as above, but removes comments from the output file
class2str(this, data, 'eval')
creates a compact evaluable string of the initial data
class2str(this, data, 'flat')
creates a flat text with commented data blocks, which is not an m-file,
but rather a Linux-style config file.
input arguments:
this: string containing the name of the object to describe. Use '' to name the
root level from the input variable name, and ' ' to ignore root level
in structures.
data: any data set (struct, array, cell, char, objects)
options: optinal argument which may contain 'flat', 'no comments','eval'
output variables:
str: string which contains a function code to generate the data.
data=struct('a',1,'b','a string comment','c',{'cell'});
str=class2str(data) % produces a string/script that regenerates data
str=class2str('this', data) % idem, but creates 'this' instead of 'data'.
str=class2str(data, 'flat') % a kind of config file
str=class2str(data, 'eval') % a compact evaluable string
See also: mat2str, num2str, eval, sprintf
Part of: Loaders utilities (
Author: E. Farhi <>. Jan 2017
(c) E.Farhi, ILL. License: BSD.
Zitieren als
Emmanuel Farhi (2025). class2str (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.
Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Windows macOS LinuxKategorien
Inspiriert: structdlg: a dialogue to edit structures
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Version | Veröffentlicht | Versionshinweise | |
---|---|---|---| | fix for scalar which are also handles |
|| |