Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) Scheme For Parabolic PDEs

Solve a non-linear parabolic equation using a 6th order WENO scheme.
Aktualisiert 11. Feb 2016

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A one-dimensional implementation of 6th-order WENO scheme as introduced in Liu, Yuanyuan, Chi-Wang Shu, and Mengping Zhang. "High order finite difference WENO schemes for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations". SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 33.2 (2011): 939-965. The present code is intended to be a guide to the implementation of the method. Therefore, the philosophy behind the present code, it is to be readable rather than efficient. M.D. (2016)

Zitieren als

Manuel A. Diaz (2025). Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) Scheme For Parabolic PDEs (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/55345-weighted-essentially-non-oscillatory-weno-scheme-for-parabolic-pdes), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

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