Human Action Recognition using KTH Dataset

Version (19,5 MB) von Manu BN
A Matlab code to recognize human actions
Aktualisiert 20. Apr 2016

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A Matlab code is written to recognize human actions namely 'walking', 'jogging','running', 'boxing','hand waving', and 'hand clapping' using Spatio Temporal Interest Points (STIP) and classify the same using a KNN classifier. Please download the KTH Action recognition dataset from the link and put them in the folder KTH Dataset folder.
How to run ??
1. Place the 'Action Recognition Code' folder in the Matlab Path, add all the folder and subfolder to the path
2. Run Recognize.m
3. Select a video from the KTH Dataset
4. Observe results
The code is loosely based on the paper below, please cite and give credit to the authors:
[1] Schüldt, Christian, Ivan Laptev, and Barbara Caputo. "Recognizing human actions: a local SVM approach." Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on. Vol. 3. IEEE, 2004.
Suggestions and comments are always welcome
Thanks in advance,
Manu B.N

Zitieren als

Manu BN (2025). Human Action Recognition using KTH Dataset (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

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Version Veröffentlicht Versionshinweise

Zip files are added as many found zipx files incompatible

Empty forlders Frames and KTH Dataset are added. If you need surfing and cycling videos send an e mail to
Cycling and Surfing videos are added
Links are added for reference