when - when a function was introduced by MATLAB

This function shows the version in which the input function was introduced.
Aktualisiert 24. Jul 2019

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Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week

The input to this function is a matlab/simulink function name, such as 'rand' as a string. The function checks the version in which the input function was introduced. This function also accepts a group as input functions to check. See the following examples:
Example 1:
>> when('rand')
## rand is a built-in function (Introduced before R2006a)
Example 2:
func_name = {'rand','plot','grid','findstr','weboptions'};
## rand is a built-in function (Introduced before R2006a)
## plot is a built-in function (Introduced before R2006a)
## grid is a Matlab function or an ordinary m-file (Introduced before R2006a)
## findstr is a built-in function (Introduced before R2006a)
## weboptions is a Matlab function or an ordinary m-file (Introduced in R2014b)

Zitieren als

Reza Ahmadzadeh (2025). when - when a function was introduced by MATLAB (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/54483-when-when-a-function-was-introduced-by-matlab), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2007a
Kompatibel mit allen Versionen
Windows macOS Linux

Inspiriert: A slightly more robust version of when()

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Version Veröffentlicht Versionshinweise

Image updated

- upgraded towards working with https
- fixed issues with the combined lower-upper case filenames

Another bug fixed!

passing no variable to the main function.

Add a screenshot.
First bug mentioned by Stephen Cobeldick was fixed. Thank you Stephen!