
Show all open or selected figures in a grid.
Aktualisiert 30. Jul 2015

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Has this happened to you: You run a script that pops open a bunch of new figures, all on top of each other. You want to spread them out and look at them all at once. So you drag, resize, drag, resize, etc. Isn't this what computers were invented for?
With this function, your computer will finally be smarter than you at this. Just create the plots you want, then issue a 'showall' command and they will pop up to the front and lie in a neat grid. For example:

close all, ezplot(@sin,[-pi pi])
figure, ezplot(@cos,[-pi pi])
figure, ezplot(@sinh,[-pi pi])
figure, ezplot(@cosh,[-pi pi])


Zitieren als

Toby Driscoll (2025). showall (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

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Erstellt mit R2015a
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