Modified Haussdorf Fractal Dimension

A Modified version of the Haussdorf fractal dimension
Aktualisiert 13. Mai 2015

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% 150507: Reza Farrahi Moghaddam ( (May 7th, 2015)
% Modified Haussdorf Fractal Dimension
% Main features:
% 1. Valuing both White and Black pixels,
% 2. Probabilistically discarding boxes of less value.
% SYNTAX: [D, D_old, I, D_ref] = hausDim_Modified_R(I, method_flag)
% I: Input image (White pixels are assumed as information),
% method_flag: 'edg' to use edge of I, 'ske' to use skeleton of I, 'pre' to preprocess I, 'full' to preprocess and then use the edge and skeleton.
% D: Modified Haussdorf Fractal Dimension of I after preprocessing (if any),
% D_old: Haussdorf Fractal Dimension of I after preprocessing (if any),
% D_ref: Haussdorf Fractal Dimension of the unprocessed I,
% I: Processed output of I.
% Based on:
% Requires:
% 1. Hausdorff (Box-Counting) Fractal Dimension (
% 2. inpaint_nans (
% 3. Universal Color to Gray Conversion (
% Examples:
% I = mat2gray(double(imread('')));
% [D, D_old, I, D_ref] = hausDim_Modified_R(I, 'edg'); % D = 1.5843, D_ref = 1.5999
% I = mat2gray(double(imread('')));
% [D, D_old, I, D_ref] = hausDim_Modified_R(I, 'edg'); % D = 1.6794, D_ref = 1.8811
% I = mat2gray(double(imread('')));
% [D, D_old, I, D_ref] = hausDim_Modified_R(I, 'edg'); % D = 1.6263, D_ref = 1.7129

Zitieren als

Reza Farrahi Moghaddam (2024). Modified Haussdorf Fractal Dimension (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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Version Veröffentlicht Versionshinweise

Minor update.

Bug fixed.

Bug fixed.

Bug fixed.

Bug fixed.

Added Computer Vision System Toolbox to the Requirements (for integralImage() function).