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„gptoolbox“ weiterleiten
This is a toolbox of useful matlab functions for geometry processing. There are also tools related to constrainted optimization and image processing. Typically these are utility functions that are not stand alone applications.
Here's an incomplete list of cool features this matlab toolbox contains:
- wrappers for TetGen, Triangle, QSlim, meshfix
- mesh smoothing
- mesh clean up (remove duplicates, remove unreferenced)
- geodesic distances on triangle and tetrahedral meshes
- mesh quantities and queries (normals, discrete gaussian curvature, list boundary edges, topology, angles, dihedral angles etc.)
- mesh deformation (as-rigid-as-possible (ARAP), moving least-squares, etc.)
- mesh parameterization (harmonic, least squares conformal, ARAP, etc.)
- automatic skinning weight computation (bounded biharmonic weights, bone heat)
- 2D triangle mesh from binary image
- Input/Output for many mesh formats (.obj,.off,.stl,.wrl,.ply,.mesh,.node,.ele,.poly,.smf,.bdl,.face)
- discrete differential geometry operators for triangle and tetrahedral meshes (cotangent Laplacian, gradient, divergence)
- quadratic programming, active set solver
- scribble-based image colorization, diffusion curves
- exact (un)signed distance field computation for meshes
- constructive solid geometry operations on meshes, booleans
- accelerated point location in triangle and tetrahedral meshes
- image dithering
- deep matlab function dependency
Zitieren als
Alec Jacobson (2025). gptoolbox (, GitHub. Abgerufen.
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- MATLAB > Mathematics > Computational Geometry >
- Mathematics and Optimization > Mapping Toolbox > Geometric Geodesy >
- Radar > Mapping Toolbox > Geometric Geodesy >
- Sciences > Mathematics > Geometry > Computational Geometry >
Inspiriert von: Toolbox Graph
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Erstellen Sie Skripte mit Code, Ausgabe und formatiertem Text in einem einzigen ausführbaren Dokument.
- GetFullPath
- Hungarian
- affine_fit
- cbrewer
- cmyk2rgb
- combn
- cprintf
- dijk
- dpsimplify
- exactgeodesic
- geodome
- hex2rgb
- hilbert2
- hilbert3
- icosahedron
- inferno
- interpolate_cbrewer
- inv2
- inv3
- lineSegmentIntersect
- luq
- magma
- mask2poly
- msm_to_hb
- myaa
- newquaternion
- patcht
- plasma
- plot_brewer_cmap
- preserve_history
- progressbar
- quaternionrotate
- read_ply
- rgb2cmyk
- rgb2hex
- saveTightFigure
- spnull
- spspaces
- ssim
- ssim_index
- tabcomplete
- tilefigs
- timeit
- viridis
- vrml
- write_ply
- create_flat_triangular_mesh
- create_hedgehog_mesh
- create_subdivision_pattern
- example1.m
- example2.m
- example3.m
- example4.m
- example5.m
- extract_coordinates_from_path
- geodesic_convert_surface_points.m
- geodesic_create_surface_point
- geodesic_delete.m
- geodesic_distance_and_source.m
- geodesic_new_algorithm
- geodesic_new_mesh
- geodesic_propagate
- geodesic_trace_back
- batch_landmarks_error.m
- batch_propagation_mesh.m
- batch_shape_meshing.m
- callback_active_contour
- compile_mex.m
- compute_alpha_map
- compute_bending_invariant
- compute_distance_landmark
- compute_eccentricity_transform
- compute_edge_energy
- compute_geodesic
- compute_geodesic_mesh
- compute_heuristic_landmark
- compute_heuristic_multiresolution
- compute_levelset_shape
- compute_saddle_points
- compute_shape_boundary
- compute_voronoi_triangulation
- compute_voronoi_triangulation_mesh
- convert_distance_color
- display_eccentricity
- display_segmentation
- divgrad
- eucdist2
- generate_constrained_map
- load_potential_map
- perform_active_contour
- perform_circular_fast_marching_2d
- perform_farthest_landmark_sampling
- perform_farthest_point_sampling
- perform_farthest_point_sampling_boundary
- perform_farthest_point_sampling_mesh
- perform_fast_marching
- perform_fast_marching
- perform_fast_marching_mesh
- perform_fmstar_2d
- perform_fmstar_3d
- perform_front_propagation_2d.m
- perform_front_propagation_2d_slow
- perform_geodesic_interpolation
- perform_lloyd_mesh
- perform_redistancing
- pick_curves
- pick_start_end_point
- plot_constrained_path_planing
- plot_fast_marching_2d
- plot_fast_marching_3d
- plot_fast_marching_mesh
- plot_volumetric_data
- publish_html
- toolbox_fast_marching.m
- vol3d
- test_active_contour.m
- test_anisotropic.m
- test_anisotropic_feth.m
- test_anisotropic_fm.m
- test_anisotropic_fm_old.m
- test_bending_invariants.m
- test_bug.m
- test_circular.m
- test_circular_fast_marching_2d.m
- test_circular_prior.m
- test_constrained_map.m
- test_distance_approximation.m
- test_distance_compression.m
- test_eccentricity.m
- test_eucldist.m
- test_farthest_sampling_2d.m
- test_farthest_sampling_3d.m
- test_farthest_sampling_mesh.m
- test_farthest_sampling_shape.m
- test_fast_marching_2d.m
- test_fast_marching_3d.m
- test_fmstar_2d.m
- test_fmstar_3d.m
- test_fmstar_error.m
- test_fmstar_landmark.m
- test_fmstar_path_planing.m
- test_fmstar_weight_2d.m
- test_geodesic_interpolation.m
- test_geodesic_vs_euclidean.m
- test_heuristic_mesh.m
- test_influence.m
- test_landmark.m
- test_landmark_error.m
- test_multiple_paths_2d.m
- test_multiple_paths_3d.m
- test_path_planing.m
- test_propagation_2d.m
- test_propagation_mesh.m
- test_propagation_shape.m
- test_redistancing.m
- test_segmentation.m
- test_skeleton.m
- test_vol3d.m
- test_voronoi_segmentation.m
- test_voronoi_triangulation.m
- check_face_vertex
- clamp
- compute_cuvilinear_abscice
- compute_distance_to_points
- compute_edge_face_ring
- compute_edges
- compute_gaussian_filter
- compute_grad
- compute_vertex_ring
- crop
- getoptions
- image_resize
- imageplot
- load_image
- mmax
- nb_dims
- num2string_fixeddigit
- perform_blurring
- perform_conjugate_gradient
- perform_contour_extraction
- perform_convolution
- perform_curve_extraction
- perform_curve_resampling
- perform_histogram_equalization
- perform_tensor_recomp
- perform_vf_normalization
- plot_mesh
- prod_vf_sf
- progressbar
- read_mesh
- read_off
- rescale
- triangulation2adjacency
- denoise
- depth_bars
- depth_darken
- dith
- get_scribbles
- get_spray_painting
- gp_bwboundaries
- gp_bwlabel
- gray2rgb
- hatch
- image_laplacian
- imdarken
- imdir
- imgrid
- iminpaint
- imtrim
- imupsample
- imwrite_gif
- levin
- lin2oklab
- lischinski
- median_filter
- oklab2lin
- oklab2rgb
- over
- packpng
- photoshop_imresize
- photoshop_imshow
- randdither
- random_color
- rgb2oklab
- roifillpyramid
- sliding_comparison
- text_to_image
- unique_images
- unpackpng
- vhs
- writeGIF
- admm
- affine_null_space
- backtracking_line_search
- bin_packing
- copysign
- cspy
- debug_sparse
- default_mosek_param
- default_quadprog_param
- diag_blk_inv
- full_sparse
- graph_coloring
- interleave_rows
- kroneye
- l12_min
- lexmin
- line_search
- linesolve_with_fixed
- lu_lagrange
- matrixnormalize
- maxnz
- merl_quadprog
- min_quad_with_fixed
- min_quad_with_fixed_active_set
- minnz
- nmultichoosek
- normalizerow
- normrow
- pagepinv
- pso
- quadprog_box
- rand_rotation
- randcycle
- readDMAT
- repdiag
- repdiag_matrix
- sample_discrete
- schur_complement
- sparse_eigs
- spinv
- writeDMAT
- TriScatteredInterpVector
- add_isolines
- add_lights
- add_shadow
- adjacency_dihedral_angle_matrix
- adjacency_edge_cost_matrix
- adjacency_incident_angle_matrix
- adjacency_list
- adjacency_matrix
- all_pairs_distances
- alpha_complex
- animated_tetramesh
- animated_trisurf
- annulus
- apply_ambient_occlusion
- apply_matcap
- apply_texture_map
- arap
- arap_dof
- arap_energy
- arap_gradient
- arap_hessian
- arap_linear_block
- arap_rhs
- arc_to_cubics
- avgedge
- axisangle2matrix
- axisangle2quat
- axisanglebetween
- bad_quad_mesh_from_quadtree
- bake_onto_vertices
- barycenter
- barycentric_coordinates
- beach_ball
- bernstein_eval
- betti
- bfs_orient
- biharmonic_bounded
- biharmonic_coordinates
- biharmonic_distance
- biharmonic_embedding
- bone_forest
- bone_heat
- bone_offsets
- bone_parents
- bone_visible
- boundary_conditions
- boundary_faces
- bounding_box
- box_each_element
- box_height_field
- buckliball
- bwmesh
- bwstencil
- cage2tet
- capsule
- catOBJs
- cat_meshes
- catmull_clark
- catmull_rom_eval
- cdt
- centroid
- circular_arc_to_cubics
- circumradius
- clean_dir
- clean_mesh
- clean_tetgen_mesh
- closing
- collapse_close_points
- combine
- composite_harmonic_mapping
- composite_mvc
- conformalized_mean_curvature_flow
- conic
- conncomp
- connectedComponent
- connectedComponentV
- connected_components
- conservative_edge_matching
- convexness
- cookie_cutter
- coordinate_constraint
- cotangent
- cotmatrix
- cotmatrix3
- cotmatrix_embedded
- cotmatrix_intrinsic
- covariance_scatter_matrix
- create_irregular_grid
- create_irregular_grid_with_min_angle.m
- create_regular_grid.m
- crouzeix_raviart_cotmatrix
- crouzeix_raviart_grad
- crouzeix_raviart_massmatrix
- crust
- cube
- cubic_cubic_integrated_distance
- cubic_cubic_intersect
- cubic_eval
- cubic_flat_eval
- cubic_is_flat
- cubic_roots
- cubic_simplify
- cubic_split
- cubic_subdivide
- cubic_vertex_removal
- cubic_winding_number
- curvature
- curve_smooth
- cut_edges
- cylinder_mesh
- deform
- deform_skeleton
- delaunay_neighbors
- delaunayize
- delta_mush
- df_build
- df_build_fast
- df_query
- dihedral_angles
- dijkstra_shepard
- dirac_eigs
- dirac_operator
- discrete_curvatures
- discrete_gaussian_curvature
- discrete_mean_curvature
- distribute_on_ground
- div
- div3
- div_intrinsic
- divmatrix
- doublearea
- doublearea_intrinsic
- draw_boxes
- dual
- dual_subdivide
- dualquatlbs
- eat_comments
- edge_cylinders
- edge_flaps
- edge_lengths
- edge_triangle_adjacency
- edges
- edges_to_path
- ellipse_to_spline
- emboss
- encage
- engraving
- equilateral_tiling
- expand_axis
- explode_tetramesh
- exterior_edges
- exterior_skinning_modes
- extrude
- faces_first
- faces_in_polygon
- facet_adjacency_matrix
- facet_laplacian
- falpha
- false_barycentric
- farthest_points
- fast_mass_springs
- fd_bilinear_coefficients
- fd_grad
- fd_laplacian
- fd_plot_stencil
- fd_trilinear_coefficients
- fibonacci_sphere_sampling
- fill_holes
- find_ears
- fit_rigid
- fit_rotation
- fit_rotations
- fixNEIGH
- flatten_splines
- flip_ears
- flip_edges
- flipped_tet_orders
- forward_kinematics
- fphong
- fsoft
- gaussmap
- geomedian
- get_control_points
- get_pencil_curve
- get_pencil_curves
- getlayers
- getlayershe.m
- glue_reverse
- grad
- grad3
- grad_intrinsic
- green_coordinates
- group_sum_matrix
- half_space_intersect
- harmonic.m
- hausdorff
- hcp_lattice
- hds.m
- heat_geodesic
- heat_map
- hessian_squared
- hks
- icp
- image_mesh
- in_element
- in_elements
- in_mesh
- in_quadtree
- inequality_constraints_from_graphs
- inertia_tensor
- inflate
- initialize_quadtree
- input_medit
- inradius
- internalangles
- internalangles_intrinsic
- intrinsic_delaunay_cotmatrix
- is_acute
- is_boundary_facet
- is_delaunay
- is_extrinsic_delaunay
- is_intrinsic_delaunay
- is_planar
- is_self_intersecting
- is_vertex_nonmanifold
- isolines_map
- isometric_curve_flow
- iterative_laplacian_mesh_editing
- joints
- kharmonic
- laplacian_editing_system
- laplacian_mesh_editing
- laplacian_smooth
- lapsmoothF
- lazy_cage
- lbs
- lbs_matrix
- limit_faces
- linear_elasticity
- linear_elasticity_stiffness
- linear_sweep
- lloyd_sphere
- load_mesh
- local_max
- local_min
- loop
- loop_exact_eval
- lscm
- manifold_patches
- mark_extrema
- massmatrix
- massmatrix3
- massmatrix_embedded
- massmatrix_intrinsic
- material_boundary_facets
- mean_value_laplacian
- mesh_boolean_winding_number
- metropolis_hastings
- minimal_bounding_sphere
- minimal_bounding_sphere_welzl
- minkowski_sum
- moebius_strip
- monotonic_biharmonic
- monotonicity_matrix
- moveEV
- moveFV
- moveVF
- murali_funkhouser
- mvc
- natural_neighbor
- near_mesh
- neumannmatrix
- nonmanifold_edges
- normal_derivative
- normals
- octahedron
- offset_curve
- oloid
- on_boundary
- orbifold
- ordered_outline
- orient_outward
- outline
- outline_loop
- parse_path
- parse_svg_transform
- partition
- per_corner_normals
- per_edge_normals
- per_vertex_frames
- per_vertex_normals
- perform_edge_collapse
- planar_patches
- planarize
- plane_project
- plot_cubic
- plot_directed_edges
- plot_edges
- plot_spline
- plot_taper
- plt
- png2mesh
- png2objandtga
- png2poly
- point_cubic_squared_distance
- point_inside_polygon
- point_spline_signed_distance
- point_spline_squared_distance
- point_visible
- poly2VEH
- poly2mesh
- polygonize
- polygons_to_triangles
- prebiharmonic
- project_point_to_line_segment
- project_to_lines
- prolongation
- pseudoedge_dof
- quad_facet_adjacency_matrix
- quad_upsample
- quadratic_eval
- quadratic_to_cubic
- quadrature_points
- quadtree_gradient
- quadtree_laplacian
- quat2mat
- quatbetween
- quatslerp
- quattrans2udq
- qvr
- randball
- random_points_on_mesh
- randsphere
- rasterize
- ray_polygon_intersect
- read3DS
- readBDL
- readBF
- readEDGE
- readELE
- readFACE
- readIPI
- readLOG
- readMESH
- readMSH
- readNEIGH
- readNODE
- readOBJ
- readOBJ_sequence
- readOBJfast
- readOFF
- readPLY
- readPOLY_pyramid
- readPOLY_triangle
- readSDF
- readSEL
- readSTL
- readSVG
- readSVG_cubics
- readSVOX
- readTET
- readTGF
- readVOX
- readWRL
- region_boundary_conditions
- regular_tetrahedral_mesh
- relative_coordinates
- relative_dirac_operator
- remesh_at_handles
- remesh_at_points
- remesh_max
- remesh_planar_patches
- remove_degenerate_faces
- remove_duplicate_simplices
- remove_duplicate_vertices
- remove_small_components
- remove_unreferenced
- repmesh
- resample_polygon
- rest_on_ground
- retarget
- reuleaux_triangle
- revolve
- rhombicosidodecahedron
- rodrigues
- rotate_about
- sample_edges
- sample_interior
- schwarz_lantern
- screw
- sct
- segment_segment_squared_distance
- select_region
- self_collision_barrier
- self_collision_barrier_cap_sym
- self_collision_barrier_line_sym
- shader
- sharp_edges
- shell
- shepard
- showvoronoi
- signed_distance_direction
- simplify_complex
- skeleton_extraction
- skinning_transformations
- slerp
- slice_isolines
- slice_tets
- slice_triangles
- smith_and_schaefer
- snap_points
- snap_points_to_close_edges
- snf
- solid
- solid_angle
- spherical_subdivision
- sphericon
- spiral_mesh
- spline_G1_subspace
- spline_area
- spline_cage
- spline_to_poly
- spline_to_poly
- spline_upsample
- spline_winding_number
- split_backfacing
- split_edges
- sqrt3
- stable_camva
- stacktimes
- stadium
- stam_order
- statistics
- stiff_points_lbs
- stretch_bones_lbs
- stvk_modal_derivatives
- subdivided_sphere
- super_fibonacci
- surf_to_mesh
- surface_graph
- symmetric_dirichlet
- symmetric_dirichlet_sym
- takeo_arap
- takeo_asap
- tangent_to_object_normal_map
- text_to_mesh
- texture_coords
- torus
- total_signed_curvature
- total_signed_occurrences
- tri2tet
- tri2tgf
- triangle_strip
- triangle_triangle_adjacency
- triangles_from_edges
- triangles_from_strip
- triangulate_curves
- triangulate_poly_pyramid
- tricontour
- triinterp
- trim_with_spline
- tsurf
- tsurf_cad
- tt
- tube
- tutte
- txt
- udq2quattrans
- unbake_normal_map
- uniformly_sample
- uniformly_sample_edges
- uninterp
- union2tet
- untangle
- unzip_corners
- upsample
- vector_area_matrix
- vertex_triangle_adjacency
- volume
- volume_intrinsic
- voronoi_tetgen
- voxel_grid
- voxel_surface
- voxelize
- vtxpolyfit
- vv
- wachspress_laplacian
- wedding_cake
- winding_number_clean
- wireframe
- wks
- write3DS
- writeBB
- writeBDL
- writeBF
- writeDAE
- writeELE
- writeGLTF
- writeMDD
- writeMESH
- writeMSH
- writeNODE
- writeOBJ
- writeOFF
- writePLY
- writePOLY_pyramid
- writePOLY_tetgen
- writePOLY_triangle
- writeSEL
- writeSMF
- writeSTL
- writeSVG
- writeSVG_cubics
- writeTGF
- writeWIRE
- write_tsurf_to_gltf
- write_tsurf_to_obj_and_png
- ambient_occlusion.m
- blue_noise.m
- box_intersect.m
- collapse_small_triangles.m
- decimate_cgal.m
- decimate_libigl.m
- dual_laplacian.m
- eltopo.m
- fast_sparse.m
- fit_cubic_bezier.m
- fit_rotations_mex
- form_factor.m
- gptoolbox_mexopts
- impaste.m
- in_element_aabb.m
- intersect_other.m
- isolines.m
- mesh_boolean.m
- outer_hull.m
- point_mesh_squared_distance.m
- principal_curvature.m
- psd_project_rows
- ray_mesh_intersect.m
- readMSH
- read_mesh_from_xml.m
- reorient_facets.m
- segment_graph.m
- selfintersect.m
- signed_distance.m
- signed_distance_isosurface.m
- slim.m
- snap_rounding.m
- split_nonmanifold.m
- tetrahedralize.m
- triangulate.m
- trim_with_solid.m
- upper_envelope.m
- winding_number
- wire_mesh.m
- NoCTranspose
- PriorityQueue
- add_gptoolbox_tab_completion
- autohelp.m
- base64decode
- base64encode
- blue
- cache
- cache_test
- clear_class
- create_cache
- dark_mode
- dec2bin_logical
- depends
- enable_toolbox
- figgif
- figmp4
- figpng
- find_cache
- finish.m
- gold
- gptoolbox_version
- is_writable
- last_command
- orange
- pink
- pride
- report_mosek_error
- startup.m
- teal
- tempprefix
- turbo
- uiopen
- yaron_colormap
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