Disk with a rod

Solves the initial value problem of the motion of a mass point attached to a disk with a rod
Aktualisiert 2. Feb 2015

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Solves the initial value problem of the motion of a mass point attached to a disk with a rod and animates the results.
The following parameters can be set: length and mass of the rod, radius and mass of the disk, gravity, initial conditions and integration time.
To solve the problem interactively, call the mechanismGUI function. Set the parameters and the initial conditions, then click on the Solve button. Three figures will appear. In the top left hand corner, the initial state of the system is drawn. You can follow the simulation process here. To the right of it, the solution of the equations of motion can be seen. The figure at the bottom displays the potential, the kinetic and the total mechanical energy of the system on the examined time interval. Being a closed system, the total energy must be constant so the constant behaviour of the red line reflects the accuracy of the IVP solver. The Restore button above the Solve button resets the default parameter values. On the Simulation panel in the lower right corner, one can select the time step, view the legend and start the simulation. After the simulation has started, a counter shows the current time value.

The program can be easily modified if you have a different task, since the main GUI components for a simulation has been created.

Zitieren als

Zoltán Csáti (2024). Disk with a rod (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/49505-disk-with-a-rod), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2011a
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