IB4m - Interactive Brokers API in MATLAB

Version (1,03 MB) von Abel Brown
Access historical data, real-time market data, place orders, options chains, and more
Aktualisiert 7. Feb 2022

Interactive Brokers API in Matlab. Get access to the entire TWS API from within MATLAB. Access historical data, real-time market data, options chains, contract details, place orders, portfolio notifications, and more! Includes complete set of tutorials for each API call. Visit GitHub page for Quick Start Guide: https://github.com/softwarespartan/IB4m.
Certainly feel free to ask questions here on the FileExchange but much faster to open issue over on GitHub which goes straight to my email: https://github.com/softwarespartan/IB4m/issues

Zitieren als

Abel Brown (2025). IB4m - Interactive Brokers API in MATLAB (https://github.com/softwarespartan/IB4m), GitHub. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2016b
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Version Veröffentlicht Versionshinweise

Updated description with link to GitHub
Added example handler TWS.Handler which shows how to create MATLAB objects that subscribe to TWS events. Also, added singleton class for TWS.NextOrderId() which classes can use to get unique order IDs and not have to synchronizing between objects.

Added examples to the docs for options chains and IB options computations.

Updated MATLAB Version
Fully tested with Matlab 2016a and TWS build 955.4m April 4, 2016
minor bug fixes, added TWS.MarketData.EventHandler to facilitate real-time application, tested with latest versions of TWS and MATLAB 2015b
Updated description with GitHub link and MATLAB version

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