Modeling and Speed Control of Separately Excited DC Motor

Basic Mathematic Modeling and Close loop Speed Control of Separately Excited DC Motor
Aktualisiert 17. Okt 2014

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Mathematical Modeling and Close loop Speed Control of Separately Excited DC Motor.
Close Loop control is done in two loop, first inner current loop having current/torque controller and outer speed controller loop control the speed.
A antiwindup technique is used in controller to avoid integrator windup problem.

Zitieren als

rohit chandan (2025). Modeling and Speed Control of Separately Excited DC Motor (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2010b
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Windows macOS Linux
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Steady state speed controller output should be the current ref.. So output should be multiplied with factor of (1/kphi). Earlier case it was multiplied with kphi which is not correct.