
FOG3D adds 3D fog to the axes to emphasize depth of the shown 3D plot
Aktualisiert 21. Jul 2014

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FOG3D adds 3D fog to the axes simulated by series of semi-transparent
planes oriented perpendicularly to the CAMERAPOSITION-CAMERATERGET line.
The planes cover whole 3D scene and tract 3D plot rotation making an
illusion of 3D depth fog.
Only small subset of the fog planes are visible during rotation of the 3D
plot to make user interaction smooth and fast.
As soon as the 3D rotation is finished (when user releases mouse button)
all fog planes are shown.

fog3D(ah,Command, Param1Name,Param1Value, ... )

ah handle of axes to add fog

Command string command with desired action:
'add' to add fog
does nothing if fog already added
'remove' to remove fog completely
does nothing if no fog was already added
'hide' to hide fog
works only if fog was already added
'show' to show previously hidden fog
works only if fog was already added
'toggle' to toggle fog visibility
works only if fog was already added

If no COMMAND parameter is provided, 'add' is assumed.

Available paameters are:

Visible logical default: true
controls whether fog is initially visible

FollowAxesRotation logical default: true
controls whether fog follows rotation of 3D plot
If FOLLOWAXESROTATION is false fog becomes
invisible when 3D plot is rotated so the
parallel to fog planes.

SimpleWhenRotated logical default: true
controls whether fewer fog planes are
displayed when user rotates 3D plot

NPlanes number default: 101
controls number of fog planes
More planes make fog visually better.

NSimplePlanes number default: 11
controls how many of fog planes are visible during 3D plot rotation

Color 1x3 vector default: [ 1.0 1.0 1.0 ];
controls fog color

Origin 1x3 vector default: get(ah,'CameraTarget');



In this case figure color is black while axes and fog color is white.
In order to create better image set figure color also to white.



Zitieren als

Andriy Nych (2024). fog3D (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2013a
Kompatibel mit allen Versionen
Windows macOS Linux
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