Analyzing Weather Data from an Arduino-based weather station
This example illustrates how to analyze data from a weather station connected to ThingSpeak, an IoT analytics platform. The data is visualized and analyzed in MATLAB. The example shows how to visualize wind speed and direction, calculate and plot dew point, and verify pressure trends. It also demonstrates some techniques to remove outlier data and fill in missing data.
If using MATLAB versions R2014b through R2018b, this example requires the user to first install the MATLAB Support for ThingSpeak which is available here:
If using R2019a or higher, there is no need to download the ThingSpeak support as the needed functions are built-in to MATLAB.
For more information on IoT andThingSpeak, see the following resource pages:
Zitieren als
MathWorks Internet of Things Team (2025). Analyzing Weather Data from an Arduino-based weather station (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.
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Version | Veröffentlicht | Versionshinweise | |
1.4.2 | Updated for compatibility with R2019b |
1.4.1 | Re-uploaded file. |
1.4.00 | Updated code to use latest version of thingSpeakRead. Updated plotting code to use yyaxis instead of plotyy. |
|| | Updated license
|| | Added new resource link in description. |
|| | Updated description text. |
|| | Updated File for initial release. |