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Chebfun - current version
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Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week
Chebfun is an open-source software system for numerical computing with functions. The mathematical basis is piecewise polynomial interpolation implemented with what we call “Chebyshev technology”. The foundations are described, with Chebfun examples, in the book Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice (L. N. Trefethen, SIAM 2013). Chebfun has extensive capabilities for dealing with linear and nonlinear differential and integral operators, and also includes continuous analogues of linear algebra notions like QR and singular value decomposition. The Chebfun2 extension works with functions of two variables defined on a rectangle in the x-y plane.
Most Chebfun commands are overloads of familiar MATLAB commands — for example sum(f) computes an integral, roots(f) finds zeros, and u = L\f solves a differential equation.
To get a sense of the breadth and power of Chebfun, a good place to start is by looking at our Examples ( or the introductory Guide (
Please contact us with any questions/comments at
Zitieren als
Chebfun Team (2024). Chebfun - current version (, GitHub. Abgerufen.
Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Windows macOS LinuxKategorien
- MATLAB > Mathematics > Numerical Integration and Differential Equations >
- Mathematics and Optimization > Partial Differential Equation Toolbox > Domain-Specific Modeling > Structural Mechanics >
Inspiriert von: Chebfun V4 - old version; please download current version instead
Inspiriert: FindRoots, MATLAB Derivatives Pricing, TDIST
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- aaa
- aaatrig
- abstractQR
- ATAPformats
- bary
- barymat
- baryWeights
- besselroots
- blowup
- cheb2jac
- cheb2leg
- cheb2logo
- chebcoeffs2chebvals
- chebcoeffs2legcoeffs
- chebcoeffs2legvals
- chebfun2eps
- chebfun3eps
- chebfuneps
- chebfunroot
- chebguiEdit
- chebguiWindow
- chebkind
- cheblogo
- chebpoly
- chebpolyplot
- chebpolyval
- chebpolyvalm
- chebpts
- chebpts2
- chebpts3
- chebsnake
- chebsnake2
- chebtest
- chebvals2chebcoeffs
- chebvals2chebvals
- chebvals2legcoeffs
- chebvals2legvals
- chebvar
- conformal
- conformal2
- Contents.m
- cumsummat
- dfsroot
- dfstest
- diffbarytrig
- diffmat
- diffrow
- explain
- fov
- gammaratio
- gpr
- gridsample
- hermpoly
- hermpts
- intmat
- introw
- isSubset
- jac2cheb
- jac2jac
- jacpoly
- jacpts
- lagpoly
- lagpts
- lebesgue
- leg2cheb
- legcoeffs2chebcoeffs
- legcoeffs2chebvals
- legcoeffs2legvals
- legpoly
- legpts
- legvals2chebcoeffs
- legvals2chebvals
- legvals2legcoeffs
- lobpts
- minimax
- ODEformats.m
- outerProd
- padeapprox
- paduapts
- pdeset
- phaseplot
- prz
- prztrig
- pswf
- pswfpts
- quasimatrix
- radaupts
- randnfun
- randnfun2
- randnfundisk
- randnfunsphere
- ratinterp
- resampling
- reval
- revaltrig
- scribble
- scribble2
- seedRNG
- sing
- smoothie
- spin
- spin2
- spin3
- spincomp
- spinsphere
- splitting
- standardChop
- trigBary
- trigBaryWeights
- trigdouble
- trigpoly
- trigpts
- trigratinterp
- ultra2ultra
- ultracoeffs
- ultrapoly
- ultrapts
- VAeval
- VAorthog
- bernoulli
- bspline
- choreo
- choreosphere
- gallery
- gallery2
- gallery3
- galleryball
- gallerydisk
- gallerysphere
- gallerytrig
- normal2
- readme
- revolution
- x
- xy
- xyz
- xyzsphere
- xyzsphere
- abs
- ballfun
- coeffs2vals
- coeffs3
- compose
- conj
- constructor
- cos
- cosh
- diff
- diskfun
- disp
- display
- exp
- feval
- fevalm
- get
- grad
- gradient
- helmholtz
- imag
- integral
- isempty
- isequal
- iszero
- lap
- laplacian
- log
- mean
- mean2
- mean3
- minus
- mrdivide
- mtimes
- norm
- plot
- plotcoeffs
- plus
- poisson
- power
- projectOntoBMCIII
- real
- rotate
- sample
- scan
- simplify
- sin
- sinh
- size
- slice
- solharm
- spherefun
- sqrt
- subsref
- sum
- sum2
- sum3
- surf
- tan
- tanh
- times
- uminus
- uplus
- vals2coeffs
- vertcat
- vscale
- ballfunv
- conj
- cross
- curl
- disp
- display
- div
- divergence
- dot
- feval
- fevalm
- get
- HelmholtzDecomposition
- imag
- isempty
- isequal
- iszero
- laplacian
- minus
- mrdivide
- mtimes
- norm
- plus
- power
- PT2ballfunv
- PTdecomposition
- quiver
- quiver3
- real
- size
- subsref
- times
- uminus
- uplus
- bndfun
- changeMap
- circconv
- compose
- conv
- createMap
- cumsum
- diff
- feval
- flipud
- fracInt
- innerProduct
- make
- mldivide
- mrdivide
- plotData
- poly
- qr
- restrict
- sum
- abs
- acos
- acosd
- acosh
- acot
- acotd
- acoth
- acsc
- acscd
- acsch
- addBreaks
- addBreaksAtRoots
- airy
- all
- and
- angle
- any
- arcLength
- area
- arrowplot
- asec
- asecd
- asech
- asin
- asind
- asinh
- assignColumns
- atan
- atan2
- atan2d
- atand
- atanh
- besselh
- besseli
- besselj
- besselk
- bessely
- bvp4c
- bvp5c
- cat
- ceil
- cell2quasi
- cf
- changeTech
- cheb2cell
- cheb2quasi
- chebcoeffs
- chebellipseplot
- chebfun
- chebpade
- chebpoly
- chebtune
- circconv
- clearPointValues
- comet
- comet3
- complex
- compose
- cond
- conj
- constructODEsol
- constructor
- conv
- cos
- cosd
- cosh
- cot
- cotd
- coth
- cov
- csc
- cscd
- csch
- ctranspose
- cummax
- cummin
- cumprod
- cumsum
- cylinder
- dct
- define
- defineInterval
- definePoint
- deflationFun
- deriv
- diag
- diff
- dimCheck
- dirac
- disp
- dispData
- display
- dlt
- domain
- domainCheck
- dst
- eigs.m
- ellipj
- ellipke
- end
- eq
- erf
- erfc
- erfcinv
- erfcx
- erfinv
- exp
- expm.m
- expm1
- extractColumns
- feval
- fill
- find
- fix
- fliplr
- flipud
- floor
- fracDiff
- fracInt
- fred
- fzero
- gamma
- ge
- get
- getRootsForBreaks
- getValuesAtBreakpoints
- gmres
- gt
- heaviside
- horzcat
- hscale
- hypot
- idct
- idlt
- idst
- imag
- innerProduct
- integral
- interp1
- inufft
- inv
- isdelta
- isempty
- isequal
- isfinite
- ishappy
- isinf
- isnan
- isPeriodicTech
- isQuasi
- isreal
- issing
- iszero
- jaccoeffs
- join
- jump
- kron
- lagrange
- ldivide
- le
- legcoeffs
- length
- log
- log10
- log1p
- log2
- logical
- loglog
- lt
- lu
- mat2cell
- max
- mean
- measure
- merge
- mesh
- min
- minandmax
- minus
- mldivide
- mod
- movie
- mpower
- mrdivide
- mtimes
- nchoosek
- ndct
- ne
- newDomain
- nextpow2
- norm
- normal
- normest
- not
- nufft
- nufft2
- null
- num2cell
- numColumns
- ode113
- ode15s
- ode45
- ode78
- ode89
- odesol
- or
- orth
- overlap
- parsePlotStyle
- pchip
- pde15s
- pde23t
- pdeSolve
- permute
- pinv
- plot
- plot3
- plotcoeffs
- plotData
- plotregion
- plus
- poly
- polyfit
- polyfitL1
- polyval
- pow2
- power
- prod
- qr
- quad
- quantumstates
- quasi2cheb
- range
- rank
- rdivide
- real
- reallog
- realpow
- realsqrt
- rem
- remez
- removeDeltas
- repmat
- residue
- restrict
- roots
- round
- sample
- sec
- secd
- sech
- semilogx
- semilogy
- sign
- simplify
- sin
- sinc
- sind
- sinh
- size
- sound
- spline
- spy
- sqrt
- std
- subsasgn
- subspace
- subsref
- sum
- surf
- surface
- surfc
- svd
- tan
- tand
- tanh
- thresholdBreakpointValues
- times
- tolUnion
- tolUnique
- transpose
- trigcoeffs
- trigpade
- trigremez
- truncate
- tweakDomain
- uminus
- unwrap
- update
- uplus
- vander
- var
- vertcat
- volt
- vscale
- waterfall
- whichInterval
- why
- xor
- abs
- biharm
- biharmonic
- cdr
- chebcoeffs2
- chebfun2
- chebpolyplot
- chebpolyplot2
- chebpolyval2
- chebpts2
- chol
- coeffs2
- coeffs2vals
- complex
- compose
- conj
- constructor
- contour
- contour3
- contourf
- cos
- cosh
- ctranspose
- cumprod
- cumsum
- cumsum2
- dblquad
- diag
- diff
- diffx
- diffy
- discriminant
- disp
- display
- domainarea
- domainCheck
- eig
- ellipsoid
- exp
- explain
- feval
- fevalm
- flipdim
- fliplr
- flipud
- fred
- get
- grad
- gradient
- horzcat
- imag
- integral
- integral2
- isempty
- isequal
- isPeriodicTech
- isreal
- iszero
- jacobian
- lap
- laplacian
- ldivide
- length
- log
- lu
- max
- max2
- mean
- mean2
- median
- mesh
- min
- min2
- minandmax2
- minandmax2est
- minus
- mldivide
- mrdivide
- mtimes
- norm
- normalizePivots
- normalizeRowsAndCols
- outerProduct
- paduaVals2coeffs
- pivotplot
- pivots
- plot
- plotcoeffs
- plotcoeffs2
- plus
- poisson
- pol2cart
- poldec
- potential
- power
- prod
- qr
- quad2d
- quiver
- quiver3
- rank
- rdivide
- real
- restrict
- roots
- sample
- sampleTest
- simplify
- sin
- singleSignTest
- sinh
- size
- sph2cart
- sphere
- sqrt
- squeeze
- std
- std2
- subsref
- sum
- sum2
- sumdisk
- surf
- surface
- surfacearea
- svd
- tan
- tand
- tanh
- times
- trace
- transpose
- uminus
- uplus
- vals2coeffs
- vertcat
- volt
- vscale
- waterfall
- chebfun2v
- coeffs2
- coeffs2chebfun2v
- coeffs2vals
- compose
- conj
- cross
- ctranspose
- curl
- diff
- diffx
- diffy
- disp
- display
- div
- divergence
- divgrad
- dot
- feval
- get
- horzcat
- imag
- integral
- isempty
- isPeriodicTech
- isreal
- jacobian
- laplacian
- ldivide
- minandmax2est
- minus
- mldivide
- mrdivide
- mtimes
- norm
- normal
- ode45
- plus
- power
- quiver
- quiver3
- rdivide
- real
- roots
- size
- subsref
- surf
- times
- transpose
- uminus
- uplus
- vals2coeffs
- vertcat
- vscale
- abs
- biharm
- biharmonic
- chebcoeffs3
- chebfun3
- chebfun3classic
- chebfun3double
- chebfun3f
- chebpolyval3
- coeffs2vals
- coeffs3
- complex
- compose
- conj
- constructor
- coreplot
- cos
- cosh
- cumsum
- cumsum2
- cumsum3
- diff
- diffx
- diffy
- diffz
- discreteHOSVD
- disp
- display
- domainCheck
- domainvolume
- exp
- feval
- fevalt
- fold
- get
- grad
- gradient
- hosvd
- imag
- integral
- integral2
- integral3
- isempty
- isequal
- isosurface
- isPeriodicTech
- isreal
- iszero
- jacobian
- lap
- laplacian
- ldivide
- length
- log
- max
- max2
- max3
- mean
- mean2
- mean3
- min
- min2
- min3
- minandmax3
- minandmax3est
- minus
- mldivide
- mrdivide
- mtimes
- myind2sub
- ndf
- norm
- normal
- outerProd
- permute
- plot
- plotcoeffs
- plus
- power
- rank
- rdivide
- real
- restrict
- root
- sample
- scan
- simplify
- sin
- sinh
- size
- slice
- sqrt
- squeeze
- std
- std2
- std3
- subsref
- sum
- sum2
- sum3
- surf
- tan
- tand
- tanh
- times
- tucker
- txm
- uminus
- unfold
- uplus
- vals2coeffs
- vertcat
- vscale
- chebfun3t
- coeffs2vals
- constructor
- cos
- cosh
- display
- domainCheck
- exp
- feval
- fold
- get
- isempty
- ldivide
- length
- minus
- mldivide
- mtimes
- ndf
- norm
- plotcoeffs
- plus
- power
- rdivide
- sampleTest
- sin
- sinh
- subsref
- sum3
- tan
- tand
- tanh
- times
- txm
- uminus
- unfold
- vals2coeffs
- vertscale
- chebfun3v
- compose
- conj
- cross
- ctranspose
- curl
- diff
- diffx
- diffy
- diffz
- disp
- display
- div
- divergence
- divgrad
- dot
- feval
- get
- horzcat
- imag
- integral
- integral2
- isempty
- isPeriodicTech
- isreal
- jacobian
- lap
- laplacian
- ldivide
- minandmax3est
- minus
- mldivide
- mrdivide
- mtimes
- norm
- plus
- power
- quiver3
- rdivide
- real
- root
- roots
- size
- subsref
- times
- transpose
- uminus
- uplus
- vertcat
- vscale
- bcReform
- chebgui
- constructInit
- demo
- demo2chebgui
- display
- displayBVPinfo
- displayIVPinfo
- isIVPorFVP
- myStringCompare
- set
- setupODEoptions
- show
- solve
- solveGUI
- solveGUIbvp
- solveGUIeig
- solveGUIivp
- solveGUIpde
- subsasgn
- callbackBCs
- changeFontsize
- chebguiController
- clear
- drawLogo
- initalizeFields
- loadDemoMenu
- plotEigenmodes
- populate
- removeTabs
- setupPanelDiscretization
- setupPanelFigures
- setupPanelInput
- setupPanelIVPsolver
- setupPanels
- setupPanelType
- switchMode
- addbc
- atPoint
- blockClasses
- blockSizes
- cat
- changeTech
- chebfun
- chebmatrix
- deal
- deflationFun
- disp
- display
- fliplr
- flipud
- horzcat
- identity
- isempty
- iszero
- matrix
- mergeDomains
- minus
- mpower
- mtimes
- norm
- norms
- pde15s
- pde23t
- plot
- plotcoeffs
- plus
- size
- spy
- subsasgn
- subsref
- vertcat
- waterfall
- adjoint
- and
- chebop
- clearPeriodicBCs
- ctranspose
- dampingErrorBased
- deflate
- determineDiscretization
- disp
- display
- displayInfo
- displayInfoExactInitial
- displayInfoFinal
- displayInfoInit
- displayInfoIter
- displayInfoLinear
- displayIVPinfo
- eig
- eigs
- expm
- eye
- feval
- followpath
- getBCType
- gmres
- islinear
- linearize
- linop
- matrix
- minres
- minus
- mldivide
- mrdivide
- mtimes
- nargin
- newtonBVP
- null
- numVars
- parseBC
- pcg
- plus
- polyeigs
- quiver
- rdivide
- solvebvp
- solvebvpLinear
- solvebvpNonlinear
- solveivp
- spy
- subsref
- svds
- tangentBVP
- times
- uminus
- uplus
- vectorizeOp
- wronskian
- adi
- adiShifts
- bartelsStewart
- chebop2
- checkBC
- constructBC
- createBC
- denseSolve
- discretize
- display
- fadi
- get
- laplace
- minus
- mldivide
- mtimes
- plus
- rank
- recoverCoeffs
- separableFormat
- set
- setupLaplace
- solvepde
- subsasgn
- subsref
- truncate
- uminus
- uplus
- abs
- and
- any
- assignColumns
- cancelExponents
- cell2mat
- chebcoeffs
- chebTcoeffs2chebUcoeffs
- chebtech.m
- classicCheck
- clenshaw
- compose
- conj
- constructorTurbo
- ctranspose
- cumsum
- diff
- dispData
- extractBoundaryRoots
- extractColumns
- extrapolate
- feval
- fix
- fliplr
- flipud
- floor
- fracInt
- getvscl
- happinessCheck
- horzcat
- imag
- innerProduct
- isdecay
- isempty
- isequal
- isfinite
- isinf
- isnan
- isreal
- iszero
- jaccoeffs
- ldivide
- legcoeffs
- length
- linopV4Check
- logical
- looseCheck
- lval
- mat2cell
- max
- min
- minandmax
- minus
- mldivide
- mrdivide
- mtimes
- normest
- not
- or
- parseDataInputs
- plateauCheck
- plot
- plot3
- plotcoeffs
- plotData
- plotregionData
- plus
- points
- poly
- polyfit
- populate
- power
- prolong
- qr
- rdivide
- real
- restrict
- roots
- round
- rval
- sample
- sampleTest
- sign
- simplify
- size
- standardCheck
- strictCheck
- sum
- techPref
- times
- transpose
- trigcoeffs
- uminus
- uplus
- vscale
- alias
- angles
- bary
- barywts
- chebpts
- chebtech1
- coeffs2vals
- compose
- get
- make
- quadwts
- refine
- tensorGrid
- vals2coeffs
- alias
- angles
- bary
- barywts
- chebpts
- chebtech2
- coeffs2vals
- compose
- get
- make
- quadwts
- refine
- tensorGrid
- vals2coeffs
- abs
- and
- any
- assignColumns
- chebcoeffs
- classicfun.m
- conj
- ctranspose
- dispData
- extractColumns
- fix
- fliplr
- floor
- get
- horzcat
- imag
- isdelta
- isempty
- isequal
- isfinite
- isinf
- isnan
- isreal
- issing
- iszero
- length
- logical
- lval
- mat2cell
- max
- min
- minandmax
- minus
- mtimes
- normest
- not
- or
- plot
- plot3
- plotcoeffs
- plotregionData
- plus
- polyfit
- power
- rdivide
- real
- removeDeltas
- roots
- round
- rval
- sample
- sign
- simplify
- size
- times
- transpose
- trigcoeffs
- truncCoeffs
- uminus
- uplus