Matlab Audio Analysis Library

Companion material for the book "Introduction to Audio Analysis, A MATLAB approach"
Aktualisiert 18. Mär 2014

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This is the MATLAB code of the book:
"Introduction to Audio Analysis, A MATLAB® Approach", Theodoros Giannakopoulos and Aggelos Pikrakis, 2014, Academic Press, 9780080993881.
Book Links:
Important Note:
Due to quota limits, the current zip file does not contain the data files (e.g, example audio files) used in the book. These can be found in the following link: . Download this file and then unzip "data" folder in the same path as "library" of the current submission. Alternatively, you can directly download both the library and the data in a common zip file here:

In general, the library covers a wide range of audio analysis tasks, including:
- general audio handling (I/O, playback, recording, etc)
- audio processing
- feature extraction
- classification
- segmentation
- music information retrieval

Below are some particular methods/algorithms presented in the library:
- signal recording / playback
- audio filtering
- short-time audio processing
- short-time FFT
- short-term energy, zero crossing rate, entropy of energy
- chroma vector, spectral features (flux, centroid, etc)
- pitch, fundumental frequency
- audio segment classification: k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier, Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees
- audio segmentation
- Hidden Markov Models, Dynamic Programming
- Music summarization, audio thumbnailing, music visualization, dimensionality reduction

The "readme.html" file contains a general description of both the library and the audio data contents, however a complete description of the individual functionalities is given in the book.

Zitieren als

Theodoros Giannakopoulos (2025). Matlab Audio Analysis Library (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2012a
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