WA1500 - RS-232 Driver for Burleigh WA-1500 Wavemeter

Version (2,31 MB) von Todd Karin
Matlab driver to communicate with Burleigh WA-1500 wavemeter via RS-232. Send digital commands
Aktualisiert 15. Apr 2015

Lizenz anzeigen

The wa1500 toolbox allows communication to a Burleigh WA-1500
wavemeter via an RS-232 connection. Wavemeter communication can be
initialized and read out digitally. The analog output can be read and
converted to a wavelength in the software. The toolbox includes
functionality to send serial commands to the wavemeter.
The package documentation can be opened by typing

>> doc wa1500

into a matlab prompt.

The serial cable should be plugged into the 'COM1' port of the
machine. A different serial port can be used by modifying the
wa_initialize function. This allows matlab to communicate with the
instrument using the SERIAL and FPRINTF functions.

Reading the wavelength using the analog output results in a faster
read time. However, to do this directly into matlab requires the data
acquisition toolbox and a DAQ board.

WA1500 main functions.
wa_readWavelength - Get a single wavelength measurement
wa_findInstrument - get the wa1500 serial instrument
wa_close - Shut down communication to wavemeter
wa_command - send serial commands to wavemeter
wa_getInstrumentStatus - get current operating status of wavemeter
wa_initialize - Initializes communcication to WA-1500 wavemeter
wa_testCommunication - test communcication to WA-1500 wavemeter
wa_volts2nm - Convert analog out voltage to wavelength
wa_waitForSettle - wait for laser wavelength to settle
wa_getSetPoint - returns the current set point
wa_resetDeviation - Set the setpoint equal to current wavelength
wa_devResetQ - does the deviation need to be reset?
wa_getReading - get the text reading from wavemeter

INSTALL, LICENSE, README, Burleigh WA-1500 manual.

Zitieren als

Todd Karin (2025). WA1500 - RS-232 Driver for Burleigh WA-1500 Wavemeter (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/38273-wa1500-rs-232-driver-for-burleigh-wa-1500-wavemeter), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2012a
Kompatibel mit allen Versionen
Windows macOS Linux
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