Numerical Computing with MATLAB

Version 2.0 (676 KB) von Cleve Moler
Toolbox containing files and app from Numerical Computing with MATLAB
Aktualisiert 29. Mär 2016

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Numerical Computing with MATLAB is a textbook for an introductory course in numerical methods, MATLAB, and technical computing. It emphasizes the informed use of mathematical software. Topics include matrix computation, interpolation and zero finding, differential equations, random numbers, and Fourier analysis. This toolbox contains a MATLAB app and more than 60 MATLAB code files. These accompany over 200 exercises from the book which help readers explore a wide range of mathematical concepts through interesting applications. The entire textbook and additional supporting code is available for free download: Copyright 2012-2015 Cleve Moler and The MathWorks, Inc.

Zitieren als

Cleve Moler (2025). Numerical Computing with MATLAB (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

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Inspiriert: Cleve_Lab

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