Optimization of PI controller of a dc motor four quadrant speed control through ICA

application of ICA for optimization of PI controller of dc motor speed control
Aktualisiert 14. Mai 2012

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there is a 'Main_ImperialistCompetitveAlgorithm.m' file .just run it.there is two models.one is for final use after optimization.use the optimized PI parameter to thge final model.you can change the decade for better result.also you can change the range of PI parameter by changing [varmin],[varmax] matrix in the 'Main_ImperialistCompetitveAlgorithm.m'.

Zitieren als

Krishnendu Mukherjee (2025). Optimization of PI controller of a dc motor four quadrant speed control through ICA (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/36669-optimization-of-pi-controller-of-a-dc-motor-four-quadrant-speed-control-through-ica), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

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