Field Spectroscopy Facility Post Processing Toolbox

A toolbox for importing and processing optical spectra acquired with portable spectroradiometers.
Aktualisiert 28. Apr 2015

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The toolbox can import spectra acquired on spectroradiometers manufactured by Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD), Spectra Vista Corporation (SVC), Ocean Optics and the Field Spectroscopy Facility (FSF). It can post process spectra to calculate spectral reflectance, radiance and irradiance. It also provides functions for spectral smoothing with a Savitzky-Golay filter and the removal of the spectral regions dominated by water absorption. Field spectra may be compared with measurements made by satellite or airborne instruments by convolving the field spectra with the relative spectral response functions (bands) of these instruments.
The toolbox was developed by Iain Robinson and Alasdair MacArthur at the Field Spectroscopy Facility in Edinburgh. This work is supported by the Natural Environment Research Council.
The User Guide is available from this page:

Zitieren als

Iain Robinson (2025). Field Spectroscopy Facility Post Processing Toolbox (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2009a
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Version Veröffentlicht Versionshinweise

This update (version 1.3.9) fixes a bug which caused the function importoceanoptics to fail to import some Ocean Optics' ProcSpec files. This bug was identified in a comment on MATLABCentral by Nikolaj Agentoft Feidenhans'l.

The toolbox is now available as a MATLAB Toolbox (.mltbx) file for users of MATLAB version R2014b and later.

Added link to documentation.

The toolbox can now import files recorded on a Spectra Vista Corporation HR-1024i spectroradiometer. There is however an issue with 'Scan Settings'.

Modified the importoceanoptics function to better handle files created by Ocean Optics' SpectraSuite spectroscopy operating software. These 'processed spectrum' files contain invalid characters which must be removed from the file before parsing.

Fixed an error that occurred in MATLAB 2012a when importing spectrum files.

Improved the reliability of the 'importoceanoptics' function. This function imports files created by Ocean Optics Spectrometers in the binary (OOI) format. It now works on all platforms including Windows.

Fixed a bug which prevented the import of the Field Spectroscopy Facility's panel calibration data on some platforms. Thanks to Anna Hughes from Swansea University for identifying this bug.

Modified the 'convolve' function to allow convolving multiple spectra to a set of spectral response functions (bands). (Previous versions could only convolve a single spectrum.)

Added support for importing binary files acquired by Analytical Spectral Devices' (ASD) spectroradiometers.

Spectra from ASD and SVC spectroradiometers are now imported with the 'importasd' and 'importsvc' functions respectively. Added partial support for Ocean Optics files. Added functions for radiometric calibration. Tidied up the User Guide.