Uniformly distributed random numbers on a non-continuous domain defined by several intervals.
Aktualisiert 29. Dez 2004

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RANDOM takes the advantage of RAND basic function to generate random entries, chosen from a uniform distribution on the non-continuous domain defined by several intervals.

RANDOM with no input arguments is the same as RAND.

RANDOM(D) generates one random number on the domain D, where D is (Nx2)-real matrix defining N non-intersected intervals.

RANDOM(D, N) is an N-by-N matrix with random entries, chosen from a uniform distribution on the domain defined by D.

RANDOM(D,M,N) and RANDOM(D, [M,N]) are M-by-N matrices with random entries on the domain defined by D.

RANDOM(D,M,N,P,...) or RANDOM(D,[M,N,P,...]) generate random arrays on the domain defined by D.

Zitieren als

Alex Bar-Guy (2025). RANDOM (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/2848-random), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R12
Kompatibel mit allen Versionen
Windows macOS Linux
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Bug fix: Crash using RANDOM(D) was corrected