Faster linear Interpolation

Version (4,82 KB) von Jeffrey Wu
Much faster version of the interp functions, but ONLY for LINEAR interpolation
Aktualisiert 4. Aug 2010

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I threw this together for myself, because I wanted a version of interp with differences 1, 2, and 3 (below). I'm sure it's not as fast as it could be - feel free to comment on any potential improvements, or on any bugs.

Differences from MATLAB built-in functions:
1. MUCH faster
2. Extends border values instead of returning NaN
3. If coordinate is exactly on the spot, it doesn't look at neighbors. Example of why this might be relevant:
interpolate([blah, blah2], [desiredvalue, NaN], blah) returns desiredvalue instead of NaN
4. Order of X/Y arguments switched for 2d and 3d interpolate
5. Only takes a scalar query value (I will change this sometime perhaps, when I feel like it, or if I see that people actually care and want to use my function)

Anyways, I know it's really simple, and most of you could have coded it yourself, but hope you find good use for this!

Zitieren als

Jeffrey Wu (2025). Faster linear Interpolation (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2010a
Kompatibel mit allen Versionen
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